When You Both Realize You Like Each Other

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It was another morning at school and you were already annoyed.

Koro~Sensei had been pairing you all up for a Gym Activity, and the stupid octopus clearly thought that he had a sense of humor because he paired you up with none other than Clown Head himself, Bakabane.

"Come on Bakarma, I know you don't run that slow, stop messing around and put in some real effort."

"Well I would, but what's the point? I know I'd win, and that's no fun, I want my wifey to have a fair chance. Besides, I look the view from here."

Your eyes squared and suddenly your face got red, steam coming from your ears as you quickly pulled on your jacket.

Running while being a girl was so difficult some times.

Karma was such an idiot. Yet you found yourself admiring him at times.

He was one of the strongest guys in class, and his smarts could almost rival your own.

He may have been a tease, but he sure as hell made your day interesting and he kept you company, even if you hadn't asked for an annoying tag along.

You honestly couldn't figure out what it was just yet.

You guesses that the reason you'd felt this way was primarily because you felt lonely at times, and having Karma around made things a little easier.

Yeah. That's right.

Nothing. Else.


Similarly the red head had been thinking about you, but he wasn't going to deny the obvious emotions he was feeling, he knew he liked you.

At first, of course, he was slightly confused.

Yeah, maybe your attitude was a turn on, and you were hot, but that was no reason to like you alone, or at least, yet.

He realized, however, the more time he spent with you, the more he fell in deep. It was almost as if you were a magnet. He was the South side, and you were the North. Just like a polar opposite would be, he felt force pulling him more and more towards you.

He couldn't help it.

He had only ever been used to using people before, so he tried as much as possible to test and rid himself of the feeling at first, settling for teasing you, annoying you, and making fun of you at any chance that he got, waiting for when the stupid feelings would fade.

Alas, they didn't, in fact, they only strengthened the more time he spent with you.

He didn't know what to do, so he just pushed more of his feelings into teasing.

The more he liked you, the more he teased.

Your reactions made his day, your laugh made his hour, your smile made his minute.

He really, really liked you, and he was afraid to admit it.


"(Y/N). What did I say?" Irina~Sensei-- whom you called so due to manners, but wouldn't hesitate to call Bitch~Sensei-- asked.

"That a time clause is the clause that tells us when a certain event will take place."

Her eyes narrowed at you. She wasn't expecting you to get her question correct, but then again, you were her smartest student. Your intelligence unfairly almost rivalled her own, and your looks werent far off either, she almost felt herseld competing with you.


"That's my wifey." Karma said with a smirk.

"Bakabane!" You whisper-yelled and glared at him.

"Yes babe?" He asked with zero to no shame.


"(Y/N), see me after class."

You sighed and pouted, opting to ignore Karma for the rest of the day- no, for the rest of the year.


"(Y/N), what's up with you today? It's unlike you to space out during English, especially since you're the best student." Irina~Sensei asked you after class.

You didn't know what to say.

"Well, I..."

She walked up to you and pulled your head into her chest, squeezing you in a suffocating hug.

"You know you can trust me, right? I'm practically, your second mom, you know. You're my favourite student! You're smart, pretty like me, and were bubble buddies."


She nodded with a sly grin and pointed to your boobs.

"Irina~Sensei!!" You blushed.

"Well it's true. No student is more like me than you, (Y/N). That's why it worries me when you're spacing out in class like you were."

You sighed and finally spilled the beans on what had been going on inside your head.

Despite her...none decent appearance, Irina Jelavich was actually a really good listener, and great at giving advice too.

"Well, obviously you have a crush on the guy."

"What?! No way! I d-do not."

She looked at you and laughed while taking a seat on top of her desk.

"Trust me, honey, I may not be in your head, but I know what having a crush is like, and you are crushing hard on Karma Akabane."


Were you..?

"Tell me, if he asked you to be his girlfriend, would you say no?" She asked.

Your cheeks flared at the thought, no words able to leave your lips.

"That's what I thought~." She teased.

"It's true, you have a crush on Akabane." She laughed.

You gulped, but couldn't reply because it indeed was true.

You had a crush on Karma Akabane.

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