When You Meet

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Things You Need To Know:
(Y/N): Your Name
(L/N): Last Name
*Since this takes place in Japan, your last name comes first, and is used as your name formally until you are close with someone.
*This book contains language, you have been warned.

You were minding your own business, strolling through the shopping district when suddenly, someone bumped straight into to you, making you almost topple over.

You steadied yourself and looked over to see a red headed boy running after a blue haired boy with a sick grin on his face.

"Hey, you dick!!" You yelled out and grabbed the back of his shirt.

He swiveled around to face you and his eyes scanned you before a wide grin appeared on his face.

"Well hello there." He grinned.

You looked at him for a second, silently. You quickly let go of his shirt and crossed your arms.

"You bumped into me, jerk."

"Oh, well, you must have been in the way then."

"A, No I was not, B, wipe that shit eating grin off of your face and apologize!" You grouched.

He continued to smile at you.

"But what for?" He asked.

"Did you not hear me!? Are you deaf!? I just said-"

"Karma, where did you-" The blue haired boy stopped when he saw you.

"O-oh, what's wrong...?"

"This douche bag bumped into me that's what!" You said.

The red head continued to grin before bursting out laughing.

"I've never met some one so fiery before, everyone's usually afraid of me. Are you real?"

You punched his arm.

"I don't know, does this feel real?" You asked, punching him again.

"Geez, and you're aggressive too..I like that in a girl." He smirked.

"What the hell is wrong with him!?" You asked the blue haired boy.

"Oh, he's...Uh,...Well...I mean...Karma is just like that." He said.

'Karma' you heard him say that several times to the red head so it was obviously his name.

"Geez, well Karmas A Bitch." You said.

The red head just laughed more.

"You're attitude is such a turn on."


"What?" He said back.

The threw your hands up in defeat,

"Fine! Whatever! Don't apologize, I don't care anymore." You turned to walk off but stopped when he grabbed your arm.

"Wait,...I'll...." He sighed, as if this was hard for him, before bowing slightly.

"Gommenasai.." He said.

You stared at him silently....

"Pfft!!! You look so stupid!" You laughed.

He straightened.

"Why are you making fun of me when you told me to apologize."

"Don't know Bakarma, I guess I didn't actually expect you to do it." You shrugged, stifling another laugh.

"I can be a very chivalrous man." He smiled.


"What?" He asked.

Karma Akabane Boyfriend ScenariosWhere stories live. Discover now