When He Takes You On A Date

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You were sitting writing a few notes on the observations you'd made about Koro~Sensei.

You and Karma had been dating for about a week now, however, he still managed to surprise you all the time, like now, when he walked over and sat on your desk.

"Karma, I was trying to write, you know."

He smirked.

"And? Is your writing more important than me~? Your loving, sweet husband?" He teased.

You swatted at him, finding it difficult to hide your blushing face.

"We're not married."

"Not yet, you mean." He laughed. Your reactions and expressions were priceless, it showed him that you were indeed interested in him, that you felt the same way about him that he did about you.

"Karma!" You whined.

"Yes wifey?"

"What do you want?"

"Is it wrong for me to spend time with my wife?"

"Can't you do it when I'm not busy or something, you're distracting me."

He stood up.

"Alright. Fine. I'll be back." He said simply.

Normally he never backed down down like that. You found his behavior strange.


Class had ended and before you could even get up from your desk, Karma was by your side.

"Are you ready?"

"Hm? For what?" You asked.

"Our date." He said.

"Huh, what date, when did we make plans, I-" You scratched your head in confusion but he just laughed, as he always did.

"Earlier. You asked me not to distract you when you were busy, but to come to you when you're finished. Now we have all the free time in the world."

"But I didn't know you were talking about a date." You said in confusion.

"You didn't have to. You agreed. That's all that matters." He winked.

"Now let's hurry up, those reservations aren't going to attend themselves."

"You made reservations? Awe, Karma, that's so romantic!" Your eyes sparkled and you smiled.

He laughed, "Anything for my Wife."


"We're here~!" Karma said, putting hid hands out in a form of displaying the showcase the large building behind him.

"We're at Icecreamapalooza?"

"Well duh. It's literally the best ice cream place in Tokyo, not to mention, it was outside this building that we first ran into one another and met. It means a lot."

"Karma! What if I'm lactose intolerant!?"

He suddenly panicked.

"What!? But you never said you were!"

"But what if I am?"

"But you're not are you?"

"I could be!"

"Really? I'm sorry, I didn't think it through that much...Theres still other desserts and stuff, or we can go somewhere else, or-"

"Karma, I'm not lactose intolerant. I just wanted to make you feel bad." You said.

"And also bring awareness to the fact that there are readers who are indeed lactose intolerant and they have to read this stuff all the time, and cringe because they can't eat ice cream."

"Huh?..Oh yeah, you're right."

"Anyways, let's get going, you said you made reservations, right?" You ran ahead excitedly and he followed.

"Hey! Wait up!"


You were so excited you didn't know what to eat first. You were surrounded by dozens and dozens of different flavors of ice cream. It was called 'Icecreamapalooza' for a reason. There were flavours here you didn't even know existed.

"Look Karma! There's all my favourite flavours here, and more!" You squealed in delite.

Karma smiled to himself. Your smiles gave him life.

"Come on, I want to show you my favourite flavour too." He took you by the wrist to the other side of the building.

"Of course it's strawberry." You said blankly as he licked a bowl filled with strawberry ice cream clean.

"What'd you expect? It's just kind of my thing. Strawberry hair, strawberry like the colour of blood. Strawberry like the cheeks of my wife." He teased.

You swatted at him as you ate your own ice cream, which resulted in you accidentally getting ice cream on yourself.

"Here, let me get that for you my dear wife." He wiped your shirt with a napkin, gazing much longer than he needed at a certain area.

"Oh wait, there's one more spot which I missed...."

He stopped suddenly and you had no time to respond before he had smashed his lips into yours, licking your bottom lip.

At this point you had figured out why he called you a strawberry, although you definitely thought you were on solid tomato level at this point.

He pulled away with a cheeky smile.

"You're welcome wifey, now you're all clean."

"W-whatever, don't t-talk to me Bakabane."

He laughed. He truly couldn't get enough of you.

"Cmon wifey, what do you say, round two, three, and so on until were so sick with ice cream that it's spewing from our noses?"

There it was. His true sadism. You could just feel it becoming more and more evident.

"Sure, as long as you don't feel the need to 'clean me up' again."

"Hm, I don't know. I might have to save you from a sticky situation. Or I could put you in one." He winked.

Kami. Your boyfriend truly was something. However, you wouldn't trade him for the world. No. Couldn't trade him for the world. He was your everything and you adored him.

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