Twenty Seven|

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I lay facedown on my bed, cursing myself for letting myself get burned like that and the fact that I was struggling with my feelings towards Harry. This was just down right ridiculous. Here I am laying on my bed, feeling sorry for myself, how did I become this person? I really need to snap out of it but then again that would involve me standing up and that was just not going to happen anytime soon, as everything still hurts. Damn sun! I really just want it to rain, I'm so sick of this heat, it's not even funny anymore.

I really should thank Harry though, for installing this damn air conditioning. Ugh, damn Harry. Just everything about him annoys the crap out of me and now he has arranged Louis to teach me boxing, well I will beat his sorry ass and I will bloody enjoy myself, whilst doing that.

But first I need to let my skin heal a bit before I pick up these damn boxing lessons. I tried to get off my bed but I was failing miserably, which meant that I had to call Harry again, I sighed and closed my eyes for a second. "HARRY?!" there was no sound and I thought for a second that he just left me here on my own, when I heard footsteps in the hallway. He threw the door wide open and it actually startled me.

"What?!" he asked not to friendly, if I may say so and it actually alarmed me. "I need your help." I mumbled into my pillow. I heard him chuckle softly and I almost jumped when I felt his touch on my waist. He turned me around and I was happy that I was wearing shorts instead of a dress because that would've been embarrassing. I also was confused about his sudden mood change. "Are you okay like this?" he asked softly and the way he asked me, all carrying stirred something inside of me. I shook my head to his question, "No, I need to get off the bed. I need to take a bath." I explained.

"Why, you showered earlier right?" He was confused but still waiting patiently for me to explain. "Yes, I did but I need to relax these damn burned muscles." I told him and he nodded. "Do you want me to run the bath?" He asked with a raised eye brow, probably because he wasn't used to me asking him things politely. I nodded and it actually brought a smile on his face but I already saw that his eyes turned darker, which made me almost regret my cry for help.

"All right, just stay here." He said with a smirk and if I could I would throw a pillow against his smug face. I almost fell asleep when I felt his hands under my knees and his other hand around my upper body. "Whoa, what are you doing?!" I almost jumped out of his arms.

"I'm getting you to your bath." which made me relax. "Okay but I can walk." I tried but we both knew that my muscles were to stiff, thanks to the burns. "You need help and I'm here to help you. So just deal with it." I sighed, maybe this wasn't that bad. I mean he wouldn't undress me right? Not without my permission? Then again we are talking about Harry Styles and if he wants something he just takes it.

He put me down on the toilet seat and to my nightmare, he started pulling at the hem off my shirt. I stopped him, which made him frown. "What?" he asked. "I can undress myself." I told him but he was already shaking his head, without losing his damn smirk. "No you can't, so stop acting like a damn baby and just go with it." I immediately bit my tongue and cooperated with him. He tried to be gentle with me and I almost wished he didn't act like this because he was really turning me on right now. I know, that he knew what he was doing to me and that really sucked, but to my surprise he actually didn't try anything. Okay that is until he reached my shorts and I was horrified that he had to pull them down.

"Wait, please close your eyes Harry!" I urged him desperately because I really didn't want him to see me completely naked. "Why?" he asked with a raised eye brow, he was really playing dumb right now and it was annoying me. "Because I don't want you to see me completely naked, that's why." I explained to him slowly.

"Jeez, woman." Thankfully he closed his eyes. He started to pull my shorts plus underwear down and there I was standing completely naked in front of him. He still had his eyes closed and to be honest this was kind of hot. When he had pulled down my last clothing piece I walked as fast as possible towards the tub and almost jumped in it. It was lukewarm, good of him to think of that, It would have hurt like hell if he had used warm water.

"You can open your eyes now." I told him because I was under the bubbles and there was nothing to be seen. "Finally! You know eventually I will see you naked and it will either be in your bed or mine and not too long from now." He said cheekily and it actually made me giggle, which I tried to hide but of course he had heard me. "You see I'm already under your skin, I will win this bet!" he said triumphantly. This stroked the wrong feathers and I just sighed. "Well your moment is over for now, please go away." I said as nicely as possible but he shook his head and came even closer. I was thankful for these bubbles, not that it stopped him from putting his hand into the water.

He put his hand on my leg and worked his way up. I wanted to stop him, well my mind wanted him to stop but my heart was already betraying me by beating like crazy and I was also really curious what he was going to do. He stopped just within inches of my inner thigh, my breath hitched and he looked up and stared me right in the eye before he moved his hand higher. When he touched me there, it felt like I exploded. It was such a out of this world feeling that I didn't want him to pull his hand away but he did, way to soon.

I opened my eyes and he was looking at me with a sexy smile and his green eyes were really dark by now. He got up from the ground and walked over to the door but before he left he turned.

"I will finish this soon."



Ha so things are heating up between them and this is also a warning of some sorts, there will be more sexual activity in the next chapters.

I really hoped you liked the chapter, let me know with a lovely comment or maybe a vote?

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