Twenty Eight|

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I watched him leave the bathroom with my mouth wide open, what just happened? Why did I let him touch me like that and why didn't the bastard finish it for crying out loud.

Wait, what?! What am I thinking, I haven't even had s.ex yet and there he is offering to finish what he just had done to me. He put his fingers on my womanhood, well that's settles it, I'm nearly not done for sex.

Only the thought of what he did makes me want to giggle like a little girl, which is also..ugh..Why didn't he finished it or better yet why couldn't he just keep his hands to himself because now I wanted more. "UGH!!!" I yelled and I quickly got out of the bath and put a towel around my body, when I heard a knock on the door. "Is everything okay in there?" Harry asked slightly out of breath and it made me wonder what he had been doing or let's just not think about that.

"No I'm not fine, I hate you!!" I yelled back, which made him only chuckle. I threw my hairbrush against the door and of course that only made him laugh harder."I love you to, Anna, please don't break anything while you're in there!" He sounded way to smug and it was annoying me so much.

I also needed to put on after sun but I wasn't going to ask Harry for help this time so I put the after sun on the body parts that I could reach. I became curious and I let the towel drop on the floor and faced the mirror. I let my hand go down and touched the same spot that Harry had touched and I felt a pleasure going through my body and a quiet moan escaped my mouth. I took a seat on the toilet seat of which the hood was down and I did it again.

This was actually feeling really good and I kept doing the same thing over and over and to my surprise my muscles were tensing up and my breath came out in puffs and I was almost over the edge, when Harry knocked on my door yet again. "Anna, are you alright because you have been in there for almost an hour now!" He sounded smug and I knew in that instant that he knew exactly what I was doing and that made me wanna run and hide somewhere but I wasn't going to let him win.

"Leave me alone Harry!" I said, really pissed off, I'm not sure but I think I almost had my first orgasm, not that I know anything about it but it felt like something big and he just ruined that or maybe he didn't. I listened if he was walking away before I started over again. Harry was the person I saw when I closed my eyes and this was disturbing me slightly but I must have feelings for him if he would appear when I was pleasuring myself.

I put more pressure to my sensitive spot and within minutes I was back at the edge but this time I jumped. I let out a really loud moan and everything became black but a really nice black, a satisfied black and my muscles didn't seem as tense as they first were. The thing that immediately worried me was that I just made myself come whilst thinking about Harry. I was embarrassed about it but this also meant that things were changing between us, which scared the crap out me. I was just washing my hands when I heard a knock and I knew that it was Harry, why couldn't he just leave me the hell alone?

"What do you want?" I snapped at him through the closed door, this made him chuckle. "I just wanted to know if you had fun?" He asked smugly. "What do you mean?" I just pretended as if I didn't know what he was talking about, which didn't work of course. "I heard you moan my name love." he said and that shocked me because I know I had moaned but I couldn't recall that I actually called out his name and that just made my day worse.

"WHAT?!" I yelled at him sounding way to embarrassed. I could already see the enormous smirk on his face. "You heard me love and you know it really turned me on to hear you moan my name like that but I do wish I was the one who made you come." he confessed a bit disappointed.

"GO AWAY HARRY!" I buried my head into my hands and I heard him walk away laughing. There was no way that I would be able to face him again ever. This was just to embarrassing, why couldn't I picture a hot looking actor like Zac Efron or something. Why did I had to fantasize about Harry, this would haunt me to the day I die and to make things worse he was going to tease me to no ends.

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