Chapter 10

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Song for this Chapter: Love Don't Lie by Def Leppard

Time / Just watching the time slippin' away / Gimme a sign  / Where do you go when you can't find the way / So we watch and we wait  / And we crawl and we kneel / If you know who you are / Then you know how to feel / In time / Maybe temptation is all that you need

Alex's P.O.V

Scar wanted to stay in and sleep, so I was left by myself for the day. After getting my daily dose of 5 kills today, I head to my office. Engrossed in my work, Mike walks in.

"What do you need?" I ask.

"Remember how you asked me to look someone up for you yesterday?" Mike says.

"Yes, did you find anything?" I ask.

"Yeah, here's the file," he says, tossing the heavy file onto my desk.

"Shit, that's a big file for a dead man," I say, skimming through the endless papers before me.

"Yeah, something like that. Do you need anything else, boss?" he asks.

"Nope. You're dismissed," I say. As he exits, I push my glasses up the bridge of my nose and open Scarlett's father's file. Spending hours reading over every word and detail in the file, I had no clue how I was going to tell Scarlett what I was reading.

Heading to our bedroom, I see Scarlett sitting on the bed reading a book.

"Hey. How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Pretty good. How was your mafia stuff?" she asked.

"Stressful. Speaking of which, we need to talk," I say, sitting on the bed.

"Is everything okay?" Scar asks, closing her book.

"To be honest, that'll be up to you," I say.

"Up to me? Alex what's going on? You're scaring me," she says, worry in her eyes.

"Remember how we were talking about your father yesterday?" I ask.

"Yeah," she replies, fiddling with her locket.

"Okay, so I'm going to do a lot of talking and asking a few questions. I need you to just shush and listen to what I have to say, answer my questions, and then process what I say fully before you say anything. Okay?" I ask, receiving a nod from her.

"Yesterday, I could see in your eyes you were saddened by the fact that you don't know where your father is buried. I figured that being able to bring you to the place he's at would give you some sort of closure. So I told Mike to get anything and everything on him. Every person he's ever been connected to, every job, phone number, address, lover, children, and lot's of other things. A full background check that extended into other people's background checks being conducted. Today, while I was in my office, he gave me the file with everything he found. Do you remember what your father did for a living?" I ask.

"Um, I think he was an architect or something," she says. "Why?" she then asks.

"Your father was indeed an architect. He worked with my father and your step-father, Jim. he designed every house, building, club, hotel, and warehouse we own, even this one. The year you were going to be born, your father had found out that your mother was having an affair with Jim. He wanted to leave because the affair was going on for years, but decided to stay for you and your sister when he found out you were his child and not Jim's. When Mike found this out he conducted some background checks on your mother and Jim. Your sister is actually your half-sister. Jim is her biological father, not your father. Like I said, they've been having an affair for years, but your father stayed because he wanted you to have both of your parents in your life at the same side instead of being tossed around like a football from one parent to another. We looked into your mother and Jim, phone calls, emails, texts, everything. Your mother realized that Jim was making more than your father. Jim was your father's boss, but both of them worked under my father. Naturally, the boss gets more money than the employee of one of your employees, so when your mother found this out, she wanted nothing more to do with your father. Are we following so far? I know it's a lot to take in, but if you don't understand fully what I'm telling you now, you might faint when I tell you everything else you need to know," I say.

"So, basically, you're telling me that your father hired Jim, who hired my father. And my mother, like the gold-digging bitch she is, decided to have an affair with Jim because he made more money than my father. How much more did Jim make than my dad?" she asks.

"Around 1K more," I say.

"So my mother wanted my father gone so she could have one thousand dollars more in her bank account? One thousand dollars? Are you fucking kidding me?" she asks in disbelief.

"I know, it's hard to believe. May I continue?" I ask.

"Yeah, go on," she says.

"Through the years, your mother continued to see Jim on and off. Jim was still transferring funds to her bank account, for both your sister and her. Your father and her grew apart. They were together but separate," I say.

"Because of me," she says.

"Yes. your father loves you very much, Scarlett. While we were looking at your father's file around the time of your death, we noticed that Jim and your mother had been conversing a lot. What we found makes me sick," I say.

"What did you find?" she asks.

"Are you sure you want to hear this?" I ask, slightly uneasy due to what I was about to tell her.

"Alex, this is my dad we're talking about. I want to know everything," she says.

"In their texts, emails, and phone call transcripts, we saw that they were talking to a third party, John Treese. They wanted to get rid of your father for good. Jim hated your father because my father had made him his boss by promoting your dad, and demoting him. Your mother simply didn't want him around anymore because all of the money he has was saved for you, and you only. So on your birthday, John Treese ran his car into your father, in an effort to kill him. They thought they killed him," I say.

"What do you mean they thought?" she asks.

"Scar, your father is still alive," I say, as I watch both happiness and sadness fill her golden brown eyes.


I hope you guys enjoyed your double update! As always, comment, vote, share, and follow if new! See ya next Wednesday!

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