Chapter 23: Interrogation Part 2 and Surprise

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I woke up to hear ACDC being blasted over the speakers. I groan, grabbing a pillow and pulling it to my ears to muffle the noise. That's when Tony opens the room to my door, screaming, "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR PLAY WICKED ON THE SPEAKERS!"

I groan, throwing the pillow at him. He just laughs and walks away. "Hey Friday, never let Tony take control of the speakers in my room again," I say.

"Of course, Ms. Romanoff," she replies, and turns off the music. I rolled out of bed, literally, and slowly made my way through the bathroom. I brush my teeth, and take a nice warm shower. Once I was done, I changed into my usual outfit.

I brushed my hair, straightening my hair quickly. I grabbed my phone and keys, and walked to the garage to my guitar. I quickly stop by a coffee shop, taking a cup of coffee on the way to the police station.

I arrived, and walked in with my coffee in hand. I walk to the front desk and say, "Hello, I'm here to talk to Adrian Toomes. I was here yesterday, but I didn't get all the way through."

"Oh yes, Ms. Romanoff correct?" the front lady says, and I nod. "Go right ahead. Same room as yesterday." I thank her, and walk in the direction of the room. I see some familiar faces, people I have locked up over the years, and they all growl, but I don't change my non emotional face.

I got to the room, and I see the same two police officers as yesterday. "Did you get any new information?" I ask them, looking through the file once again.

"His factory was trashed and fell apart. So either there was nothing useful there, or he was trying to hurt someone," a cop says.

"Maybe it was Spider-Man," the other cop says.

"Hmm, nice," I say. I walked into the room where Toomes was in, and he was still handcuffed to the desk. "Morning Toomes. Sleep well?" I ask, sitting down in the chair across from him.

"Not well, since this chair isn't that comfortable," he says, slightly moving in his chair.

"Shame," I say, and I started the interrogation. We continued for around an hour, and I believe I got all the information that I needed. So I walk out of the room, and call Ross. Once he picks up, I tell him all the information I got.

"Well done. I think I can take this from here. You're free to go," Ross says, and I smile.

"Thank you, sir," I say, and hang up the phone. I tell the two men goodbye, and make my way quickly back to headquarters. I have been away from Pietro longer than I thought, and I want to get back to him as quickly as possible.

I got there sooner than I realized, probably because of my speeding. Pietro would be proud. I walked in and realized it was 10:25 and Rhodey should be doing physical therapy. I walk to the gym area, and I see Tony and Rhodey there.

"Hey, how are you doing?" I ask, making my way towards them.

"Fine, it's getting better," Rhodey says, while Tony helps him walk.

"How was the interrogation?" Tony asks.

"Good, I'm free to go back to Scotland," I say.

"Why did you choose Scotland again?" Rhodey asks.

"It's pretty there, plus I need a new surrounding to be in," I say, not technically lying.

"We'll miss you," Rhodey says.

"I'll miss you too," I say. "Don't worry I'll be back soon." I give them both a quick hug, and say goodbye. "By the way, thanks for the jet Tony," I yell while running away to the jet. I heard Tony scream something, but I just smirk and continue to run.

I eventually got to the jet, and automatically started flying. I didn't bother calling Pietro, Wanda, or Vision, figuring I want to surprise them. The flight was long and boring, but I got there right before midnight.

I was outside the apartment building, and started to walk to our apartment. My excitement starts to build up, and I practically run to the door. Once I get there I stop at Wanda's apartment first and lightly knock on the door, not wanting to wake anyone up.

Luckily enough, soon I heard footsteps and soon enough the door opened. I see Wanda here, and her eyes widen when she sees me. She sweaked and engulfed me in a hug. I shush her not wanting Pietro to come out just yet.

She separates from the hug and says, "You had me and Pietro worried to death. The longer you were gone, the longer we thought something bad happened."

"I'm fine, not even a scratch. It just took some time. How is everyone?" I ask.

"Good, good. I think Pietro is warming up to Vis, so that's good," she says and I smile. "Where's Pietro?"

"I wanted to surprise him. You knock on the door, and get him to come out. Try not to seem suspicious," I say. She goes to his door, while I stay at hers getting out of the view. She smiles towards me, and then knocks on his door.

In a split second, the door flies open, and I can slightly see Pietro's white locks. "What do you want, it's late," he says in a raspy voice, making me smile more.

I walk over and say, "I just wanted to say hi. I can go though if-" I wasn't even able to finish my sentence before I was in his arms. "Hi there Speedy."

"God I missed you," he says, and kisses me repeatedly. "Don't scare me like that again." I giggle, taking in everything. "Did you get hurt?" he asks, looking me up and down.

"No, I'm fine, nothing bad happened," I say. He mumbles something under his breath I couldn't get, but I just ignore it.

"Wanda, we'll see you in the morning, okay?" Pietro says and before I knew it, I'm in our apartment in our room. "I missed and love you so much princessa."

"I love you too, I hate leaving," I say, and kiss him passionately.

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