Chapter 26: I Promise

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The next week has been calm and relaxing, just spending time with Pietro and Wanda. I think the only thing I actually buying Pietro a gift. Today is Thursday, the day of Pietro's and I 2-year anniversary. I knew Pietro was planning something for dinner, so I wanted to do something for breakfast.

I wake up slightly earlier than usual, and I turn to my side, seeing Pietro sleeping peacefully. His hair is all messy, and his mouth is slightly open. His chest is showing while his waist is covered with the blanket.

I slowly get up, not wanting to wake him up. I put on a pair of shorts, one of Pietro's sweatshirts, and some fuzzy socks. I brush my teeth and hair, and throw my hair up into a ponytail.

I walk to the kitchen, and grab the recipe for french toast. I grab all of the ingredients, and start to stir. I'm glad I'm here for this, or I would feel even more guilty than I do when I do leave.

I put the mix in the waffle maker, since we don't have a french toast maker, and waited for them to be ready. That's when out of the corner of my eye I see Pietro standing in the doorway. "Good morning beautiful," he says, in his raspy voice, walking over to me.

"Good morning. Happy 2 years," I say.

"Happy 2 years," he whispers, and gets a hold of my waist and pulls me in for a soft kiss. "What's for breakfast?"

"French toast," I say, and open the waffle maker, putting a waffle on the plate, handing it to him.

"Thank you princessa," he says, kissing my temple. We ate breakfast while I tried to get him to tell me where we were going tonight. "Y/n, for the last time I'm not going to tell you, it's going to be a surprise," he chuckles, and takes his last bite of his food.

"Fine," I say. "Oh, I almost forgot something." I ran into our room, going to my work closet and grabbing his present. I gave him the wrapped box, and he opened it.

"New running shoes," he says excitedly, seeing the new sneakers.

"Yea, I even got Vision to look up the best shoes so they don't wear out that quickly," I say.

"Thank you," he whispers, kissing me. "But I'm still not telling you," he says once we break. I huff, leaning back in the chair, as he laughs.

"Can you at least tell me what to wear?" I ask.

"I actually have that covered. He speeds out of the apartment, assuming to Wanda's, and comes back with two boxes. "Go on, open it."

"You know you didn't have to buy me anything," I say and hesitantly open the first box. I see a beautiful electric blue body dress. I open the other box to see a pair of black heels. "Thank you very much, I love them."

"I thought this would look good with your leather jacket. Well your hundreds of leather jackets," he says. "We are going to leave at 6, just so you know."

"Well, that means we got some time for other stuff," I say, and he smirks.

Time has passed, and we watched some movies, cuddled, and some other stuff. Soon it was time for me to get ready. I hopped into the shower, and washed everything. I come out of the shower, and dry off, putting on a robe.

I blew dried my hair, and curled it. I put on some makeup, with a winged eye and a gloss lip. I put on the dress that fit perfectly and grab one of my leather jackets with it. I check the time and see 5:51. I walk out of the bathroom to see Pietro buttoning up his t-shirt.

"Wow," he says, walking up to me. "You look beautiful." He kisses me, pulling on my leather jacket. I smile into the kiss, wondering how I got so lucky. "Ready to go?"

"Yea, let me just put on some shoes," I say. I grab the new black heals, and slide them on. "Let's go," I say. He holds out his hand, and I interlock mine with his. We get to the car, and drive to the place where I'm assuming is the date.

Pietro drove for around a half an hour, until we got to a fancy restaurant. "P, how did you get reservations here?" I ask.

"I told them I'll get them to meet Tony Stark. Plus, they were wondering how I'm paying with Tony Stark's credit card," he says.

"Thank god he gave us those when we lived at headquarters. Having a rich friend comes in handing," I say. We entered the restaurant and sat down quickly. The food was amazing, and the people were being very overly generous.

"That was amazing, thank you," I say as we walk to the car.

"It's not over just yet," he says, opening the car door for me. I give him a suspicious look before he closes the door. I just laugh it off before he comes into the driver seat.

From the route that we were in, it seemed like we were just going back to the apartment. I see Pietro take out his phone, and start to type. "You know it's illegal to text and drive?" I say sarcastically.

"What, are you going to arrest me?" he says, equally sarcastically. "Plus, I'm at a red light, nothing bad is going to happen." He stops typing, and drives again. We ended up in the parking lot of the apartment building, just like I thought.

"Now, I'm going to need you to put this on," Pietro says, holding one of his ties. I give him a look saying 'yea ok'. "I'm serious, put it on," Pietro laughs. I obliged and let him tie the tie over my eyes.

I hold onto Pietro's arm while he guides us somewhere. From what I can tell, I don't think we are going to our apartment, because once I stepped out of the elevator, I felt like I was outside again.

Then we stopped and I let go of Pietro's arm. "Are you ready?" he asks, and I nod. "Okay, 3...2...1..." He takes off the blindfold and I let my eyes adjust. I finally see a whole bunch of candles and roses everywhere, and Pietro in front of me.

"I got Vision and Wanda to set this up while we were at dinner," Pietro says, and I smile.

"It's beautiful, P," I say.

"I have one more gift," he says, and I roll my eyes. I should have gotten him more because wow he is spoiling me. Before I knew it he was pulling a tiny box out of his pocket, and my eyes widened.

He got down on one knee and said, "before you say anything, I'm not proposing, well not yet anyways. I love you more than anything in the world, and I can't picture a life without you in it. I know we're just 20, but I have never been more sure that I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"So I want to make you a promise that I will always be there for you in your darkest times, happiest moments, and hardest times. You are the most incredible, loving, talented, amazing, beautiful woman I have ever known. So, if you let me, I want to promise you that I will always be with you forever, even if you don't like it," he continues, and opens the box to show a silver promise ring.

At this time, I'm tearing up more than ever. I have never been more sure of an answer in my life. "Of course," I say. He smiles, and stands up, putting the ring on my left ring finger. I cup his face, pulling his in for a passionate kiss. "I love you so much," I mumble against his lips.

His soft lips collided with mine again, and I could feel his smile. I pull away to say, "Are you sure you won't regret this?"

He laughs and says, "I promise that I will never ever even for a second regret this."

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