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"Umbridge, ratchet old witch she is. Not to be trusted. No one at the ministry can stand her. She's only there for her devilish grin and her over obsession of pink thing and cats." Tonks said.

Rose had been at the order for about a month. Only going back to hogwarts for a couple weeks. But besides that, all her grades are phenomenal.

"That boggart...been up there since the first day. Alastor has barely been around to remove it." Mrs. Weasley mumbled.

"I could have a go if you'd like." Rose said.

"Don't be silly dear. Finish breakfast, your first owl should be arriving shortly." Mrs. Weasley left the room.

"Sirius told me you conjured a full patronus? Mine is a rabbit. He said yours is a St. bernard?" Tonks asked.

"Yours is a rabbit?"

"Shocking I know. But I haven't seen a St. bernard in a while. The most common dogs are the...the Jack Russel Terriers."

"That's what I've read too, I guess I'm considered lucky."

"So..beauty? Is it?" Tonks smirked.

"By half of the school, yes." Rose said.

"Don't worry. It's better than your mother naming you Nymphadora." Tonks rolled her eyes, "out of all things. I would've rather been called Beauty."

"Not with that duck face..."

Tonks smiled and brought out her duck face with a high pitched quack, "and you with your piggy face."

Rose created a pig snout and snorted when Remus and Sirius walked in. They all stopped and looked at one another as each girls held their faces.

"Yes?" Rose asked.

"I think...I think I'm not hungry..." Sirius walked out.

"And you?"

"Starving." Remus walked in.

The girls fixed their faces. "Expecto Patronum!" Tonks waved out her wand a small rabbit hopped around the room.

"What's yours Remus?" Tonks asked as the Rabbit entertained them.

"Not important." He poured a cup of tea.

"Come on, they could play with each other." Tonks said as she watched her rabbit come nearer.

"Expecto Patronum!" Rose said before taking a sip of tea.

"That's not a St. Bernard! Ro! It's going to kill my rabbit." Tonks said getting rid of her rabbit.

Rose choked on her tea seeing a wolf run round the room. "Unbelievable! They can't play now." Tonks crossed her arms.

"You two alright...?" Sirius walked back in seeing Rose and Remus stunned, "oh look, Remus. You finally let them see your Patronus." He said watching the wolf run around.

"That's Ro's." Tonks corrected.

"What does the wolf mean?" Sirius picked up Roses book and read aloud, "Those who conjure the wolf are normally very mysterious. There is always somthing new to learn about these individuals. While some who produce this patronus enjoy their own company compared to being around others, they are still always loyal to those closest to them. Those who wield a wolf patronus will protect friends and family with a feirce passion. While first impressions can lead one to believe the wolf patronus belongs to a strong silent type, they also have a playful side underneath. However, this is only displayed towards trusted individuals." He closed the book, "seems like you." he walked over to grab a cup.

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