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Rose and Sirius were both alone in the house. Remus and Tonks left to do something for the Order and Mrs. Weasley was back home for the night waiting for Mr. Weasley.

What she thought would be another quiet peaceful night of sleep turned into a nightmare.

"Sirius! Sirius Black! Someone! Anyone!" Rose heard someone yell from down the hall. Thinking she was dreaming, she stayed in bed. Until she heard once more, "SOMEONE COME IN!"

Rose nearly fell off her bed once she heard the man yelling. Thinking it was urgent she ran out of her room and saw Sirius wrapping his robe and walking out as well, "what the bloody hell was that?" Rose asked.

"Phineas Nigellus." Sirius began making his way to Harry and Ron's room that they had shared, "he's got a painting connecting from here to Dumbledores office."

They walked in and found Phineas, "Finally! I've been screaming for hours!" The painting spoke.

"Hours? Seemed like years..." Rose spoke underneath her breath.

"What's wrong?" Sirius asked.

"Dumbledore told me to inform you that the Weasley children will be arriving shortly with Potter. Arthur Weasley has been in an accident." Phineas said.

"Oh...Well I'll be happy to have them come." Sirius said.

Phineas left his painting.

"Mr. Weasley has been hurt? What?" Rose asked. At first she didn't want to believe it but it was Dumbledore who said it.

"He was checking on something for the Order...We have to be careful now. They're going to be suspicious as to why he was there. We can't let them know about him checking on the prophecy." Sirius walked out.

"Going to be suspicious? This is a red flag already as to him being there in the first place."

"I know, I know. Just...Dumbledore will think of an excuse. He'll throw them off."

"Either way it's the Ministry. They're never being thrown off."

Then they heard a thud downstairs. "Stay here, I'll go check it out." Sirius left.

Hurt? How could he have been hurt? Who hurt him? Or what hurt him?

Mrs. Weasley and Rose had a closer relationship. But either way Mr. Weasley was important to her as well, they all were. Rose fiddled with her hands waiting for Sirius to give her the clear to go down stairs.

He said they'll arrive shortly...It must be them.

Rose nearly ran down stairs and looked around. Living room was empty, meeting room empty, so she went down to the kitchen.

"He's our father! I want to see him!" Fred told Sirius, "you can't stop us from seeing him! We're of age!"

"Think of it logically. You can't go and see him now because you'll put the Order of risk. Your mother doesn't even know yet!" Sirius said.

"It doesn't matter! We don't care about the Order!" George said.

"Yeah! We care about our father more!" Fred agreed.

"You're father knew the risks. Which is why your parents didn't want you in the Order!" Sirius said.

"Easy for you to say! You're not out there risking your life!" Fred yelled.

Rose walked in, "Hey! Enough!" She pushed the twins to sit next to Ginny, "Now your father wouldn't want you three to go head to head! So enough!"

Beauty and the Beast (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now