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Rose sat in the commons room along with Hermione and Ron, waiting for Harry to arrive back. To where he went? They didn't know.

It wasn't until he had came running through the portrait hole in a hurry till they realized something was wrong, "Harry?" Hermione looked up from her homework.

Harry didn't listen though. Instead he ran past them and up to his dormitory. Not even a minute later did he run back down with his hands full.

"Take this." Harry handed Ron the Marauders Map, "and here. Just enough for you three and Ginny." He then put the bottle of Felix Felicis on the table, "I have to go with Dumbledore. Keep an eye out for Malfoy with the map."

"Why are you leaving?" Rose asked.

"I can't explain yet. Dumbledore is waiting for me. Just take the potion and keep an eye on Malfoy...tell Ginny I said goodbye." Harry ran out.

The three looked at one another in questioning. "He can't be serious." Hermione said.

"I don't know. I have a bad feeling about this though. Maybe he's right. We should take the potion." Rose lifted the bottle up.

"But when? We don't even know how long it'll take." Ron said.

Rose took out her wand an pointed it to the map, "well, we'll try without it for a bit. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." She put her wand away, "but if we can't get anywhere then we might just have to."

"He's mad to think Malfoy is up to something. I just don't see him as someone like that." Hermione said.

Rose hadn't told anyone that she went to visit him in the hospital wing. Even so, it definitely wasn't something she wanted to admit. Not because she was embarrassed or felt like she was betraying her friends, but only because she didn't want anyone to taunt Draco.

"Either way, we need to do this for Harry. He left us with one job." Rose said as Ron began to examine the map.

"Anyone?" Hermione asked.

"No...I can't find Malfoy." Ron said.

"Hey." Ginny smiled as she walked over, "what's going on?"

Rose and Hermione shared a look before Rose turned to Ginny, "Harry went out with Dumbledore. He's asked us to watch over Malfoy...and he told us to tell you that he said goodbye."

"Did he say where he went?" Ginny asked

Rose shook her head, "but he's given us the rest of his luck potion."

Ginny sat down next to Ron, "so what are we going to do?"

"I'll try to contact people from the D.A." Hermione stood up, "though I doubt anyone will answer after Harry attacked Malfoy." She frowned before going up to the dormitories.

"Neville!" Rose called him over.

He nervously walked to them, "yes?"

"We need you, mate." Ron said, "We've got to spy on Malfoy."

"What? Why?"

"Harry asked us too. Think of it as another D.A. meeting." Ginny said, "still nothing?" She asked Ron.

"No...Maybe he's at the room of requirement. It doesn't show up on the map." Ron said.

"Ok...Well maybe we might have to split up. We have enough of his potion to get us through at least an hour or two each. Ron, Ginny and I will head up to the room of requirement. Neville, when you see Hermione and whoever else she gets, go down to Snape's office and wait." Rose stood up.

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