pills - chapter 7

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It has been 6 months since we started living here. It is now April 12th, 4019. The first three months we survived off of canned foods. But everything comes to an end.

We then started hunting for small animals. Chan is a pro at this. We never encountered anyone else alive since Jaeyoung died. Byul is getting more mature, she is now aware of what the world is like.

"I wonder if anyone else is alive in korea other than us" i drank fresh water that we collected at a nearby waterfall. "Yeah, and how about celebrities? What're they doing in this situation?" Seungmin laughed.

I kinda feel bad for Chan, he's been single all this time. But he's also like a father figure to us. "Have you guys noticed the weather? It's getting hotter and hotter by the day." Yeji pointed to the orange sky.

"Yeah you're right actually, and it didn't snow on december." Minho started to get worried. I noticed it and laid my head on his lap. "Everything's going to be okay as long as we stick together, right guys?"

We all nodded. "Byullie wants to sing!" Byul stepped forward near the campfire. She started singing gibberish but we all played along with it, clapping.

There was really nothing to do.

"Y'all hear sumn?" Ryujin scrunched her face. "No way, a helicopter?!" Chan stood up, looking at the sky. "HOLY SH1T IT IS A HELICOPTER."


The helicopter landed a few feet beside us. Military started coming out of it. "WHERE HAVE YALL BEEN?!" I shouted out of happiness. We weren't the last ones!

"We're very sorry, we are from the US, here to pick you up to the nearest campsite." Campsite?

Chan stepped forward, "You do realize that huge groups of people actually attracts more men eating creatures, right?"

"We have built a secure system from the past 6 months. You should come with us" we all looked at each other, what else can we do?

"What about doongie??" I whined, being attached to the cat more than expected. "I guess this is goodbye" Chan patted Doongies cheeks, so did the others.

"DOONGIE-AHHH" Minho charged the cat with full speed and hugged it. "BE GOOD OKAY? PAPA IS GONNA RETURN SOMEDAY" Minho started crying hysterically.

I distinguished the campfire, and we all stepped in the helicopter. We didn't really have anything important left, that's why we went straight in the vehicle.

The whole ride i was holding Minho's hands, shivering. After a couple minutes that felt like hours, we arrived.

Me and Minho became the last that exited the Helicopter. Minho stopped and turned to me, offering me a hand.

I laughed, but then jumped at him. Minho instantly regretted that he offered a hand at me. Byul laughed at us, "My turn my turn!!" Byul hopped down, thankfully Minho quickly grabbed her.

We got guided inside the white building. We were honestly confused why it looked so secure and tight. No one was in sight.

Once we were inside, we saw a hallway with rooms in it. So thats where everyone is? Are they resting?

Me and Minho got different rooms. Minho actually complained about it, so did Yeji, cause i was getting a room with Ryujin.

"Are you guys forcing us to be straight?" I asked out of nowhere. The whole gang laughed when i said that, but not the guard.

"Wait, you're serious?" Minho death glared the man. "The human population that survived The Day Of Destruction are only left to 10%. You guys have to understand this."

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