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Captain O watched the crewmen and the crowd dance on the sands, loudly celebrating their good fortune. His mind was empty as he gripped the railing for support. What was happening? Was he boarding criminals? What would happen if they catch him someday? He would not even be able to say he didn't know.

"Hello...!" a cheery voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Is anyone here?"

Captain O hurried towards the lady standing at the pier. She had a satchel hung around her shoulders and was dressed in a light yellow shirt, shorts and sturdy boots. She looked around her restlessly, staying on the tips of her toes that turned left and right, constantly moving; as if she would fly at a moment's notice.

"Welcome!" Captain O said breathlessly, bowing to her. "I'm...Mm sorry for the delay, We will start at once."

"Hmm?" The woman tilted her head, looking curiously at him. "You don't seem well....um...I'm sorry....I don't know you....I'm Gemini!" She was fidgeting as she spoke, her eyes darting around to the various corners of the ship and the various expressions on Captain O's face.

"I....I am this ship's Captain, Captain O."

"Nice to meet you Captain O, that's such a cool name!" she gushed. "I'd like to have a cool name like that, but I never seem to decide on anything! Nothing seems to match me! It's probably because no one has one personality for one thing, you know? and humans are diverse and changing, so I can't really pick a proper name...but it still is so wonderful to have a cool, defining name. The sense of belonging..!-"

Captain O cleared his throat loudly. "We really need to get on our way if we are to make it to SaCrab in twenty-nine days, Miss Gemini." he pointed to a cabin. "That is where you'll stay."

Gemini blinked then pouted. "Thank you." she said, her feet finally planting on the ground. She looked at the light blue sky, with it's wispy, unformed clouds. A light breeze ruffled her hair, poking in her eyes. "I think I'll stay outside for a while and meet the other people on board. It really is awfully quiet here."

Captain O cleared his throat again. "There is only you and me on board, Miss. Those are the conditions of this ship."

Gemini blinked again, her mouth opening in shock. She slapped her fore-head.

"Of course! I can't believe I forgot that!" she laughed and Captain O rubbed his face, feeling weary.

Nineteen days of their journey were spent in chaos. Captain O was always disturbed early by the commotion outside his cabin, which was Gemini shape-shifting into various animals and gusts of wind to quarrel with the seagulls that frequented the ship for their daily toilet. He would open his door to an onslaught of feathers and screeching. Usually after locking the door close, he thought it incredible how one person could make so much noise. One day, annoyed and sleep-deprived, Captain O posed this question to her.

"If you're a shape-shifter why don't you fly to SaCrab?"

Gemini was clinging to one of the masts, enjoying the breeze on her face. She seemed not to notice the irritation in Captain O's tone. 

"I can't shape-shift for that long. I would lose energy and plunge to my death." She turned and wrapped her legs around the mast, removing her hands. Her body fell parallel to it, leaving her face hanging upside down in front of Captain O's frowning one. She grinned.

"I don't believe that you ever lose energy." Captain O muttered, when a screech emanated from beneath him. Gemini lost her grip and fell with a loud groan. Ignoring her, Captain O walked towards the hole leading below deck, drawing his pistol. His heart thundered in his chest. 

The screech escalated when he stomped to the bottom, pistol in front of him. There was a disturbing amount of feathers on the floor, that trailed up to a cask of juice that had fallen over. A snowy-white bird was pressed beneath it, trapped by its wing. Captain O gulped, finger on the trigger.

"Who are you? A stowaway!"

The bird screeched. "I'm sorry! I was late! I need to get with my clan, please. I was about to leave when this cask fell on me....I'm sorry! I'll leave you alone!"

"This...this ship does not allow more than one passenger." He steeled himself. "I'm bound to kill you for trespassing."

The bird screeched louder, repeating his protests. Feathers rubbed off from his body and slipped over the floor as it struggled to break free. Captain O's heart sank to his stomach as his finger pressed on the trigger.

"Hey....Hey...let's not be killing." Gemini said, stepping in front of the pistol; her hands held in the air. "I didn't know the rules were...like that."

His finger stopped. "They are like that....unfortunately." he growled.

Gemini's eyes darkened, her smile disappearing. She stopped fidgeting, her feet were planted on the floor. Pointing to the porthole window next to them, she said, "Stupid rules are always stupid enough to be bypassed. Close your eyes, Captain."

Captain O opened his mouth to protest, but thought better of it. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes. Gemini steadied herself, linking her hands over the rough wood and tried to heave the cask off the bird, but failed to move it even an inch, after multiple attempts and much groaning.

"The ship won't let its intruder go." he said, impatient.

"Stupid ship!" she kicked the cask, following with a yell of pain.

Captain O sighed. "Don't insult my ship."

Gemini was silent for another moment. Captain O heard footsteps and the creak of metal. The smell of salt and a gust of wind hit Captain O. He struggled to keep his eyes closed as he heard more groans, curses and knocks.

"Oh no, I'm stuck..! Ah...!...wait!....YES!"

There was a loud splash, followed by coughing.

"Captain, please open your eyes now!" she shouted. Captain O was eager to obey, and ran to the open porthole. He found Gemini bobbing in the sea water below, grinning up at him. "Hurry up and release Mister bird!" 

Captain O opened his mouth because he had a lot to say, but again thought better of it. He pocketed the pistol, his limbs were his own again. With a heave he wrenched the cask upright. The snow bird fluttered up, showering him with more feathers.

"Thank you!" it sang as it flew out of the porthole. "Thank yoooouuuu!"

Captain O and Gemini watched it disappear into the sky.

"Freedom is nice....isn't it?" Gemini muttered, leaning against the ship. Her short hair was plastered to her face like an executioner's mask. Captain O frowned, sighing.

"That was very clever of you. But how will you be coming back?"

Gemini blinked, smiling up at him. "You'll be lowering the plank for me of course."

Captain O placed his chin in his hand and smiled sardonically. "Where? We're in the middle of the sea."


"You know you could have just shape-shifted into a bird and flown out too." Captain O said as Gemini morphed back into a human in a shower of yellow feathers. Her cheeks pinked as she gave an embarrassed laugh.

"Uhhhh......yes...that...would have been.....clever." 

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