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On the twenty-eighth day, in the hours past midnight, when no soul was to be seen and morning was near but invisible; Scorpio slipped off into Archeria without a goodbye. Captain O watched him leave from his cabin with a certain heaviness in his heart.

A slight breeze stroked his hair as he turned to the empty dock. Strings of yellow and orange bulbs hung over it, creating the shape of an arrow-head that sought the sea. The surrounding port was dark, contrasting eerily with the small illuminated space in the center. Captain O blinked, realizing he was alone for the first time in a while. It was already the eleventh month of the year. One hundred and thirteen days left and then....

Then he would have to do it all over again.

Music trickled in his ears from below, lulling him out of his thoughts. A lone figure stood in the center of the light and played a soft tune on a wooden instrument. His dexterous fingers plucked and strummed the strings with absurd ease, as if he was merely waving his hand and the tune followed his summons. A carefree smile lighted his face as he swayed on his feet, eyes closed; unaware of the time, place or self. Captain O looked on, frowning.

The breeze blew through the musician's red cloak, adding an ideal flare to the finale of his song. Captain O rolled his eyes, folding his arms as the figure danced up the boarding plank, giving him a full smile.

"Hollo! You look absolutely sour my friend!"

Captain O grimaced, stepping back as if he had been caught writing in his journal. The man's grin widened and he threw an arm around his neck. "What is it? Bad stomach? Haven't slept? Been waiting long? Got conned out of your ship?" His eyes looked up at the gently stirring sails. He came close and whispered, "Jilted by a lover?"

Captain O pushed him away, straightening his coat and brushing it.

"Hello. I am Captain O. Welcome to the ship." He said quickly and moved towards the wheel. The man sighed and pulled out his instrument, twirling onto the deck.

"Yo-ho tis not a pirate ship,

But how I wish it would be~~

Yo-ho but making my yearly trip,

Bard Sagittarius roams free-

-All day long

He dances through fires, spies and liars!

Thieves and cons! Murder and wrongs,

And the sweet, sweet, air

Of karma and care

Of justice and flare

All ~around~ me~~~

Yo-ho tis not a pirate ship,

But I, an adventurer at sea~!

For nine and twenty days,

And then an adventurer

An adventurer~~

On land I will be!"

Captain O had been nodding his head with the Bard's song with a smile on his face. He caught himself when Sagittarius paused and a wave of shame fell over him. How rude he had been! To his guest nonetheless!

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