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Before departing, he handed Captain O a piece of paper with the soup recipe scribbled on it. 

"It's fairly easy and quick...I made sure of it." 

Captain O had barely thanked him before the man marched away. Guards in ragged clothing, bandaged limbs and sleek weaponry watched the port from random points. They saw the man, raised their guns and froze. He sniffed and mussed his hair, waiting for the inspection to end. Scattering out of his path, they threw furtive glances at his back, looking away only when he had disappeared into a street. Captain O tucked the recipe in his coat, not sure if he would be using it.


Captain O turned to look at a red-cloaked figure running at him. The guards scrambled to intercept them, but were pushed away. Captain O's heart sank with anxiety as the cloaked figure sprinted up the plank, followed closely by the incensed guards. His shaking hand moved towards the pistol tucked in his coat.

"Stop! Don't come closer!" he yelled, grasping his hand with the other one and trying to pull it away. 

"Stop! You're not allowed here!" he said, his voice was shrill.

As he stood there, struggling with his limbs, Captain O was pushed away by the figure, as they climbed on board. He heard the heavy footsteps of at least a dozen guards, who scuttled on his ship from all directions and threw themselves at the red-cloaked figure. Captain O fell on the railing, hitting his head. His blood burned.

A shot rang in the air. The figure froze amidst the crowd and fell, a deeper shade of staining their cloak. Someone raised a cry. The guards scattered as more gunshots rang in the air. One, two...the rest jumped into the safety of the water. Captain O saw three figures lying still on his deck.

Light footsteps fell on the plank, stopping next to him. A girl with an aquamarine dress and white hair appeared, her hands were held serenely behind her as she surveyed the bodies, like a judge surveying a line of convicts. Captain O's gun slipped from his fingers and fell with a sharp clatter. The girl clicked her tongue.

"I told her not to panic."

The deck and bodies swirled into one and Captain O welcomed the darkness, knowing what he would have to face when he woke and wishing he would not wake up ever again.

"I'm Aquarius, but you can call me Aqua. Much easier."

That was the first thing Captain O heard when his eyes opened. He was on his back next to where he had fallen. A half-moon and a few solitary stars blinked at him from above. Cool air brushed his cheeks. His insides were burning. Captain O licked his lips and glanced at the girl, who sat cross-legged against the railing, staring blankly at the sky. A lantern burned near her feet. His pistol rested next to it.

The bodies were nowhere to be seen.

"Don't worry about them....You won't be charged with murder."

Bile churned in Captain O's throat as he heard the word, and he shot up. The deck swirled again and sweat broke loose all over his body, but the darkness did not come.

"Does it change the fact that I am one?" he whispered hoarsely, looking at his hands.

"Ah.." the girl said thoughtfully. Her eyes were large, sea-green and empty. It was hard not to look at them. 

"Well, I don't know....does it make you a murderer when you never intended to kill them?"

"But..! If...If it wasn't for me...they would be alive!"

She averted her eyes. "Then it's my fault....I was the one who told her she would be killed today."

There was silence. Captain O's hands fell limply in his lap.

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