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The first thing Captain O noticed at SaCrab was the black sky. The dock was covered with a gray mist, reaching out to the sea as a hand calling for help. Captain O covered his nose, his gaze was caught by the flaming tower in the center of the city. Guards holding artillery of all shapes and sizes lined the dock, watching the tower with ice-cold expressions. Gemini whistled, swinging on the balls of her feet, her hands placed on her hips.

"The par-TAY has begun!" she said, shouldering her bag. "Don't lower the plank."

"Wait-what!? It's too dangerous!" Captain O began, but she shape-shifted into a gust of smoke and mingled into the gray cloud, flying over the guards. The Sun was blocked by the smoke, which had also intruded onto the deck, leaving Captain O to fend blindly to see his next guest. He squinted, tying a handkerchief on his nose. If only he could leave without a passenger.

There was a muffled thud and Captain O stiffened, looking at a bundle of dark cloth roll on his deck, breaking out of the mist. The bundle sat with their knees hunched, hidden from the port's view.

"Don't look at me." Captain O averted his eyes back to the tower. "Casually go and begin the journey as if you cannot wait for your passenger anymore. If anyone asks, there is no one else on board. Tell me when we are out on the open sea."

The bundle secreted itself into the mist, allowing Captain O only a flash of golden air. He found himself scratching his head in confusion and looking at an imaginary pocket watch. Trying to hide his eagerness, Captain O stalked to the wheel and steered his boat away and out of the smoke hand.

The moon was halfway to its peak when the bundle appeared out of the shadows, now a woman. Captain O looked at her from the corner of his eye as she removed her hood; revealing a head full of untidy golden hair. The woman had a high fore-head and large, watery eyes. Her face was dirt and smog-ridden, but retained its fineness. She shook her curls, breathing heavily in relief.

Captain O cleared his throat. "Greetings...I am Captain O." he said, feeling a sudden need to be polite.

"Oh! I'm so sorry!...I completely forgot to introduce myself. How thoughtless of me! My name is Cancer."

She moved slowly, her gaze going to Captain O to the wheel he was gripping. "You must be tired. Let me take the wheel for some time!''

Captain O's chest warmed. "Thank you...but I like steering. It is more of a thing I simply cannot leave to anyone else. It would kill me."

"Eh......wow." Cancer said, slightly disappointed. "You must really be passionate about this ship." She moved away, her worn cape spinning around her like a ball gown, eyes fixed on the stars. 

"I understand.....there are things....I'm passionate about as well." She was silent, her gaze contemplating something far away. She suddenly jolted, as if her thought process had come to a disagreeable point. Shaking her head, she returned to the present.

"If I can't ease your burden, I will help you in another way. Is there a kitchen here? I shall bring you food."

Captain O raised his hand to deny the offer. Cancer's mouth tightened. 

"That would be very kind of you."

Thus they travelled for thirty-one days and nights with Cancer slipping about the ship, doing whatever she could, almost adamant to stay dirty. She never removed the black cape, despite the heat. Captain O sometimes caught glimpses of what was underneath. He had seen leather gauntlets fixed on her hands and had also caught a glimpse of a dagger but was not sure about it. Sometimes he would see blue bruises on her neck or wrist. He never asked about them. He never asked about anything. 

Five days before they were to land at Lionwort, a letter with the SaCrab insignia was delivered to Captain O by a battered pixie. It was followed by a black pigeon holding a note, roughly written in short, direct sentences. The contents were :

"The daughter of the Honorable Lord SaCrab has been missing since miscreants set the estate ablaze last night. She is a mellow, innocent girl with beautiful golden hair and dainty features. She does not know what has happened and is possibly very scared. If anyone has any news of her, send a reply immediately. The person who delivers her to the Lord will be rewarded handsomely."

The second letter read :

"The fire set to the SaCrab estate last night was an organized effort by revolting forces, that seek to dethrone the rightful King and corrupt the land. A figure wearing a black cape was seen escaping from the fortress moments before it erupted. A wanted prisoner has also escaped his heavily guarded cell. Any information about these two criminals will be rewarded. They are dangerous. Proceed with caution. "

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