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A chapter with lots of time lapses. Please bear with me.

I'm just giving you some fluff moments of the parents and the births of their pups. Hope it's not looking weird to read, but if it does, please tell me.


The three had told Kao about their interaction with one of the guardians named Pharm who he learnt was Intouch's twin and they also told him about how they were told to keep everything discreet to everyone.

Kao too told them about his interaction with InTouch and the forest. However, he couldn't tell them about his interaction with the Moon Goddess herself since something inside him was telling him to keep that only to himself, and so he did.

He told them everything excluding the meeting with the moon Goddess and what she had said, though he told them that InTouch had taken him to his home, where the guardians live and the four were more determined than ever to do everything to protect the guardians from harm and they were willing to keep it a secret from their mates as well.

"Let us forget that we ever met them. That way we won't seem suspicious infront of our mates," Kit stated biting his apple.

"No, idiot! We cannot act like it never happened because it did. Just let us not make a big issue out of it. Like Kao said, they showed themselves to us for a reason and they entrusted is with something so we'll keep their words and be responsible. We are the Luna of our packs after all." Arthit said and the others agreed to it.


Days and months passed by after the incident and Everything was fine and going smooth. Arthit along with Beam got pregnant once again. Sarawat, Mew and Man were already a year old and Arthit and Beam were seven and eight months pregnant each.

"Dadda!" Mew suddenly cried out catching everyone's attention, but the pairs laughed out loud when they saw Sarawat and Man painting on Mew's face rather than their books.

"They surely love doing it. How many times has it already been?" Beam asked while he motioned Forth to pick Mew up and clean his face or else he'd sulk all day long.

"You think we'd keep count knowing they love painting and colouring Mew's face so much. I wonder how would they turn out when they grow older. Would they be as close as they are now?" Arthit asked eyeing the two who were painting on their books attentively.

"I don't know. Let's hope they do." Kit said leaning his head on his mate's shoulder.

Few months later, Arthit and Kongpob were once again parents to an Alpha pup the same as Beam and Forth. They named them Win and Zee and their birth was just like any other pup unlike their elder brother's. Win was a month old while Zee was two months old.

After their birth however, when the two mothers and their pups along with Kit and Kao were alone in the birthing room, the four enchanters had visited them giving their blessings to the two.

Kit, Kao, Arthit and Beam had gradually gotten close with the guardians all the while keeping their identities discreet from others. They had even met the other two enchanters, guardian Dean of the east and guardian Korn of the west and they also learnt that they were the lovers of the twins.

A year later.

The land of Arthdal flourished and grew stronger over the span of two years and people from faraway lands too came to know of the existence of the once Moon Goddess inhabited land, Arthdal.

Alpha Pete and Luna Kao were expecting their first child, being the last pair among the others to have children.

Kao was around five months pregnant when he noticed something wrong. "Pete!" Kao yelled for his mate from their bedroom and moments later Pete came running like a madman and stood infront of his beautifully smiling mate. "Wha...what happened, love? Why were you screaming?" Pete asked panting.

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