Chapter 4: The Duel

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Luz held Amity in her arms. Her green hair was singed and she was smoking really bad, she wasn't moving and she was barely breathing. Luz's eyes welled with tears at what she had just done. She thanked her lucky stars that she was in shock when she cast the spell, otherwise the impact would surely have killed Amity. "She was probably trying to ambush me..." she said to herself. But yet she held no weapon, just a crumpled up note that had barely escaped the fire. It had been delicately folded and on it was a single word:"Luz." Hands trembling Luz opened the note. On it read the words: "Luz, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me. I'm sorry about everything. I don't understand what I did wrong, but I understand if you can no longer see me as your friend.... But before I let you go, there's something you need to know...." Luz shut the note, she couldn't bear read anymore of it. Amity had been telling the truth, and Creepy Luz hadn't. Amity hadn't done anything, but Luz was oblivious as always and hadn't seen the truth right in front of her. She sat there holding Amity, rage building up inside her, that's when Creepy Luz made her grand appearance.

"My, my, my! This worked out better than I anticipated!" She smiled at Luz and Amity. "You did kill her right? That was the plan!" Luz was absolutely furious. "WHY WOULD I KILL HER!? YOU ARE THE KILLER! YOU SET ME UP! THIS IS ALL BECAUSE OF YOU!" Creepy Luz bowed. "And you bought every word I said!" Luz clenched her fists, and without thinking she shouted:" CREEPY LUZ! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A WITCHES DUEL!" Creepy Luz smiled. "I accept!"

Both Luz's walked to opposite sides of the hill and prepared to have the fight of their lives. Luz took a deep breath and looked at Amity, she knew she wouldn't want this but she had to make up for what she had done. She closed her eyes and drew forth her first glyph. She raised her hand and threw it right at Creepy Luz, she dodged it with ease. "Is that all you've got human!?" she laughed. She spoke to soon. The next thing she knew she was encased in ice. Luz smirked. "I'm just getting started!" Creepy Luz was taken aback, but she smiled. "You fight with much fire!" As she said that she sent a fire spell right at Luz, she too dodged with ease. "You can't win! I will make sure you can never hurt anyone ever again! I'm getting rid of you permanently!" Creepy Luz lowered her head and laughed. "Like you were going to do to Amity!?" Luz's eyes went wide. She shook her head. "No! That was an accident! I-I thought she was someone...something else! I would never hurt her! I'm nothing like you!" Creepy Luz looked at her. "Oh but you are! Don't you see! You are POWERFUL! Come, join me in the Emperor's coven!" Luz frowned. "No! I will not go back to the Emperor, and neither will you!" She raised her glyphs, preparing for her final spell. "WAIT!" Creepy Luz yelled. "Please.... I just need to do one more thing... before... you know..." Luz hesitantly obliged. She nodded. Creepy Luz raised her head and looked right into Luz's eyes. She laughed. "Wrong move Luz! Say goodbye to your Little Miss Perfect!" Luz had just enough time to realize what was happening and send her final spell at Creepy Luz, but by the time she had the spell was just a few feet away from Amity, she only had one other option..... she jumped.

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