Chapter Nine

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She made my body feel like it was on fire, the way she walked, the way she kept giving me small and shy little smiles every time she caught me looking at her or maybe it was the way every single guy in there stared her down like she was a vulnerable weak animal ready to be pounced on. I felt the constant urge to protect her, make everyone know that she was mine but I couldn't do that, because she wasn't mine.

Her short, fringed dress swayed from side to side as she walked and danced, which mesmerised me even more, it wasn't until I noticed a slimy Gryffindor stand closely behind her and sway his body with hers.

I paced over, I could feel my heartbeat in my head, my fists clenched and my vision blurred, that was until her body swivelled around to face his before shoving him back away from her. He leant back forward even closer than before, with a look of furry on his face from being rejected.

'FUCK OFF CREEP' she yelled, although over the music, it sounded like a whisper.

'A newbie shouldn't be pushing year eights around should she?' he said, his words dripping with lust

'AND A SLIMY GRYFFINDOR SHOULDN'T BE TOUCHING A PRETTY SLYTHERIN SHOULD HE?' I shouted as I snaked my arm around her waist and placed myself in front of his face.

He murmured something stupid under his breath and blended back into the crowds.

'Um, thank you Malfoy' she turned to face me but still looking down at my arm that was around her small waist. I chose not to remove it and instead pull her slightly closer so I could whisper in her ear.

'Don't worry, I would never let anyone bother you Sinclair' I whispered, my lips lightly grazing her ear lobe. I felt her shiver in my arms, and with that, I removed my hand from her waist and walked off past her, leaving her on the dance floor.


As his touch left my body, I felt paralysed, almost like I was fully aware of what I was doing but my body would not allow me to move. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, my staggered breathing, my sweaty palms, my blurred vision and slightly unsteady balance from the alcohol, I could feel it all but I could still not move.

Finally I snapped out of it when the music changed, but as soon as my body allowed me too, I paced towards the exit not aware of anything or anyone other than the sinking, sick feeling in my stomach.

By the time I reached the edge of the castle grounds, I was standing on the big field that borders the black lane. Despite being alone and it being rather dark, this was the first time all night my body could relax and I loved it. I flopped down on the damp grass, and slung my heels off, leaving me in just my tiny sliver corset and skirt. It must of been around 10 to 15 minutes that I was lying there, watching the stars and big dark clouds, but I was so content that I was oblivious to the time, that was until I heard a twig snap from behind me, I sat up and spun my head and there he was...again...


I watched as she lied there, her chest slowly rising and falling, her bare feet were massaging the grass and her arms stretched out wide either side of her. She looked so peaceful and delicate, I constantly told myself to snap out of this soppy emotional stage, but every time I tried to, I would see her like this and it made me fall for her even more.

I took a step closer and then another one until I accidentally stepped on a branch which clearly alerted her to my presence, I was about to make a snarky remark to attempt to mask why I was following her, that was until I saw her eyes, tired and puffy, she had been crying.

'um , what do you want Malfoy?' she murmured, looking down and rubbing her eyes to hid any evidence that she had been crying, but I knew.

'You need some company?' I asked with a polite tone rather than my sarcastic one

'No its fine, just tell the others I will be back in a little while' still sniffling and looking down

'You need a hug then?' I said, knowing that I couldn't just leave her alone out here.

She didn't reply straight away but I knew the answer as the question made her finally look up at me and offer me a weak smile. I sat down next to her and wrapped one arm round her back and the other round her shoulder and embraced her tightly.

In all honesty, I would usually never do this for anyone, and if I did, I would be very cautious about someone seeing me, but it was her and I didn't care because I wasn't embarrassed about her, or wanted to hide her, I wanted people to know that no one else can have her and I wanted people to know that she was mine.

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