Chapter Eighteen

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Everything was blurred, not just my vision and balance but my mood and my emotions. As I stared at him, her body cushioned against his, I felt a surge or anger before sadness washed over it like someone chucking water onto a fire.

They called us in for dinner and I sat cushioned between Blair and Pansy who were snuggled up to Blaise whilst Daphne and Millicent sat opposite us, right next to them sat Malfoy and Tracey.

My heart pounded in my chest making me feel nauseous, I stared blankly down at my plate and didn't say a word for about 10 minutes until the light conversations started.

The conversation started off friendly with everyone trying to ignore the tension, but I could feel Pansy starting to get twitchy as Tracey continued to coo over Draco.

'So how come we have never seen you around school Tracey?' Pansy says, you can hear the snarkiness sneaking through.

'I wondered the same thing?' Tracey's witty retort catches Pansy by surprise.

'I'm sure you must've heard about Pansy, she IS the most popular slytherin of course' Blair says trying to add a hint of support for Pansy.

'Hmm guess not' Tracey doesn't bother to even look up from her food. I practically felt pansy's body tense beside her so I offered her a reassuring squeeze of her thigh. She looks over and mouths 'i will kill that bitch' followed by a small giggle.

The whole time, I had not touched my food and Draco had not removed his eyes from me.

'Amara, any arrangements or understandings yet' Tracey says, my eyes remaining on my food. All of the girls' heads snap back and forth between me and her as they try to help me out of this situation.

'Not yet...I tend to not jump on the first person I see' I snapped back, quiet but powerful.

She coughed awkwardly, surprised by my bluntness.

'Yes totally! I understand, I only ever bother with guys who are actually interested in me' her dig was not so sly. Pansy was about to leap over the table before Blaise tried to extinguish the fire.

'Oh look at desserts here!' he says a fake smile plastered across his face.

I did not speak nor did I move a muscle the whole time, I sat there as tears brimmed in my eyes before I quickly blinked them away over and over again.

He watched me, like he was seeing if I was still alive, if I was breathing but I felt like I wasn't. I felt like I was being held underwater while everyone watched, suffocating, helpless.

I finally moved but only to take a long hard swig of whiskey that I had poured in my glass. I glanced up at him to see if he was still looking...he was. Tears continued to pool in my eyes but I did not blink in fear that the tears would fall down my cheeks. Nothing, he was just as empty as me.


Her breathing was now slow and hitched, she was weeping which was why she just stared at her lap, to hide it from me, but I knew.

She finally moved her fragile arm to raise her glass to her lips and look a gulp, her arms were unsteady and shaky and she shivered slightly as the taste of whatever was in her cup.

'So is everyone going to the party next weekend?' Millicent said, trying to ignite the conversation again.

'If we aren't busy then yes' Tracey said coldly, snaking her arm around mine to claim her prize but I ripped my arm from her grip. Amara's face was a blend of disgust and hurt, god why did I even care? She is just a friend, she's only ever been a friend! I repeated it over and over again but I knew that I was just telling myself that to spare my own feelings.

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