Chapter Twenty-Two

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I woke up in Draco's bed the following morning but with no sign of him.

As I hurried back to my room to get changed, I bumped into Daphne and Millicent.

'Uh hey' I said nervously

'Mars are you okay?!' they exclaimed

'Yeah i'm fine, will see you guys down at breakfast' I said as I tried to hurry past them.

'We know Mars!' Daphne said as I walked past them

'What?' I turned back to face them

'We know about Cassius, we know about why you miss classes and we know where the bruises come from' Milicent said as she nodded towards the gash and bruises on my face and neck

'Oh' I mumbled

'Malfoy told us, he said to keep an eye out for you when he can't be there' Daphne said

'I don't need someone to keep an eye out for me girls, I'm fine! I need to go and get changed so I will see you down at breakfast in a bit' I said as I turned back around to my dorm.


We were all sat around the breakfast table when Daphne and Millicent came over.

'She looks horrific!' Daphne huffed

'Where the fuck is thar sleezball anyway!' Pansy snapped talking about Warrington

'He won't be coming near her again' I mumbled under my breath

'Stop talking about her, she's right there' Blair snapped as Mars walked in.

I stood up quickly and placed my hand on her back to usher her to the seat next to me. She scootched close to me almost like she was scared or nervous so I gave her a small reassuring squeeze of her hand under the table.

'Mars you want to come to Hogsmeade later - we are going for Friday night drinks before the party' Daphne said, trying to not stare at her.

'Uhh yeah sounds good to me' she said, trying desperately to sound happy even though I knew she was breaking on the inside.

The rest of the week went by quickly, Warrington hasn't shown his face after what me and the boys did to him and I kept a constant watch over Mars.

She still struggled with eating and would often drink too much any chance she got and she refused to sleep unless someone was with her. Most nights she spent in my bed whilst I stayed on the sofa or sometimes she would let me sleep in the same bed. But I didn't want to force it...she was hurting.

On Monday, Warrington finally decided to show his face at breakfast. His face still swollen and bruised like he had been hit with a stinging jinx but instead the damage was done from my fists.

I felt Mars squirm in her seat as he made his way past her to sit with the quidditch boys a few seats down.

'I'm here' I said quietly, trying not to alert everyone to her discomfort about the situation.

Tracey wasn't around to witness my watchful eye on Amara or my small displays of affection, she seemed to have laid low since I told her that she was nothing to me. Maybe it was out of embarrassment or maybe just lost interest.


Three weeks have past since everyone found out about Warrington and since then I have had a consistent army of friends around me.

Personally I thought it was a bit unnecessary but It made me grateful to have them in my lives knowing that they are watching out for me.

Everything seems to have been going smoothly, My gash on my cheek is now a small delicate scar, my weight has returned to normal and any remaining bruises have faded away. Everything was fine....that was until Potions class.

'Morning Class, today will be our final lesson on Amortentia in which you will be writing your final essay on what it smells like to you and how to brew it' Slughorn announced.

Us girls were sat in a small group, alongside Tracey and her clique, the slytherin boys and then a group of Gryffindorks.

'Let's break tradition and have boys first!' he continued.

Crabbe smelt what could only be described as a kitchen filled with an assortment of his favourite foods

Blaise gave a very clear description of Pansy.

Theodore definitely described Daphne's sweet scent

Flint smelt a mixture of Blair and most likely 5 other girls

Then there was Draco.

I was waiting for the dagger to the heart when he described Tracey but he didn't describe her overpowering floral scent.

'Uhh It smells like Honey, Ginger Biscuits and....warm vanilla' he said, stopping in the middle of his sentence to flip his eyes up to mine.

Those silver grey orbs, I could stare at them forever but before I knew it, Slughorn snapped me out of my daze.

'Thank you gentlemen, Ladies it's your turn!' He said, ushering us forward.

The girls continued to list the scents of their significant other or the one they desired and then it got to me.

'It's smells like cologne and uhh...' my words suddenly stopped when I realised what I said

'Um it's not really that strong' I finished before moving my way back into the girls.

My heart rate stammed and my hands became clammy, my throat dried out instantly making it hard to swallow.

I had Tracey staring at me one side and Draco the other, it was like I was on trial, waiting be executed.

'CLASS DISMISSED' slughorn announced as my feet carried me as fast as they could.

He was trailing me and catching up fast.

I made a sharp left into the busy courtyard to try and hide myself and then a quick right into the old abandoned bathrooms.

I spun on my heel and reversed into a small dark storage cupboard. My breath hitched as I heard his footsteps round the corner.


Suddenly the door flung open and he towered over me before stepping inside.

'Hide and seek, at your big age?' he teased

'Please, draco, not now' I pleaded

'Fine I will leave....after I get an explanation' his voice now stern and serious.

Well, here goes nothing.

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