Chapter Fourteen

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It was the night of the christmas ball and me and draco still haven't said a word to each other. I have avoided him at all costs and he has avoided me.

Cassius Warrington had eventually asked me to go to the ball with him as he was the only one who was ballsy enough to stand up to Draco, the rest of the slytherin boys dared come near me anymore, let alone ask me to the ball.

Again, my mother had sent me yet another couture gown that she most likely picked up on a trip to Paris or Milan. It was a silvery/rose coloured satin dress with off the shoulder straps. Along with the dress I also received, a pair of stunning heels, a dainty necklace and a silver snake hair pin.

 Along with the dress I also received, a pair of stunning heels, a dainty necklace and a silver snake hair pin

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Daphne and Pansy had already left with their dates whereas I chose to leave mine waiting for a while. Once I was finally ready, I met up with Cassius in the common room.

'You look divine' he said kissing my hand

'For a dirty quidditch player, you're not too bad yourself' I joked as we made our way to the hall.

The halls were empty apart from a few small groups of friends or couples who were late as well. Cassius held his muscular arm out and I wrapped my small arm under his before we walked in through the grand hall entrance.


I admit that I was sulking all week but she never wanted to go with me, that was until she said she did anyway. By the time our argument came about, there wasn't anyone left to take apart from a few girls from the year below and only one of them was a pure-blood, so that limited me slightly.

My date was nothing special, she wore a basic light blue dress that was definitely from hogsmeade and she spent the whole time swooning over me.

I hadn't seen Mars yet so I assumed that she didn't find a date and was spending the evening tucked away in her room.

'Hello boys' Pansy strutted over with Daphne and Millicent, parading Blaise on her arm.

'Where are the rest of you then' Crabbe said slouched against the table

'Blair is dancing and Amara was meeting her date in the common room' she said, picking up a glass of champagne.

The thought of her coming with someone else made my blood boil, My fists clenched under my dress robes until I eventually talked myself out of walking to the common room and punching his lights out.

'OHHHH doesn't she look fab as always!' Daphne squealed as a few more people arrived, then I saw who she was talking about. Her tiny body was hidden away behind Warringtons broad frame but I knew it was her.

'She came with Warrington? Fair play to him!' Blaise said before I kicked him in the shin.

She lit up the room, her golden tan, her pearly white smile and piercing blue eyes...everything single one of her features were perfect in their own way.

I took a long, hard gulp of fire whiskey as they walked towards the group, I refused to make eye contact and continued to either look at my drink or at the boys.

'Good evening everyone, don't you all look smart' Warrington said as Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise all gave him a warm handshake or pat on the back.

'Amara, you look stunning!' Daphne said as she pulled her in for a hug.

'Daph I'm going to get a drink, want anything' she replied, her voice was like a lullaby, calming me instantly.

'I will come with you darling' Warrington piped up as he placed a hand on her lower back to guide her away.

The rage boiled inside of me, starting in my fists and travelling through my views like heroin. I slammed my drink down and dragged my date over to the drinks table, trailing behind her.

'Warrington, this is um, uhh..Penelope, she is a big fan of yours!' I said forcefully, as I moved my poor date in his direct view. I wasted no time at all grabbing Amara's hand and dragging her out the exit.

'What the hell are you doing Malfoy!' She said, I ignored her and continued pulling her

'Malfoy, STOP!' My body refused to listen and carried on

'DRACO PLEASE, YOU'RE HURTING ME!' She shouted even louder, the idea of me hurting her snapped me back to reality and I released her from my grip.

'What the hell are you doing with him!?' I said aggressively

'He's my date, I wasn't going to go alone was I' he voice was slightly shaky and out of breath

'He's an idiot, you shouldn't be with him!' Anger pulsed through my body as my heart race increased

'I'm not having this conversation, leave me alone Malfoy'

'Don't walk away from me Amara!"

'Or what, you don't control me, you don't own me!' she spun around to shout at me as I began to walk towards her, cornering her slightly in a small nook behind the spiral staircase.




'FO FUCK SAKE, LISTEN, IM JUST TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU!' I slammed the palm of my hand against the wall behind her making her retreat and quiver. My heart sunk at the thought of what I have just done.

'Draco... I'm not yours to look out for. You don't love me, you don't even care for me and that's okay. Just don't tell me you care for me one minute and then leave me the next' she whispered as her voice broke. The tears that once rimmed in her eyes, now fell down her soft cheeks.

She pushed past me gently and began to walk away before stopping and turning to me.

'I once told you that when I fall in love, it will be forever. Don't play with my heart if it's not going to be forever' she said and walked away.

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