Chapter V

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When I woke up, the smell of bacon could have clogged my arteries, but then again, was that even possible now? I turned to my side and saw a plate of fried, scrambled eggs the way I like it, fluffy and hash brown mixed with peppers and seasoning. Toast with grape jelly laid on the corner of the plate with a side of pinapple juice. I ate it all within just a couple of minutes. It's funny how someone put their heart and soul into this meal and then seconds later it's gone just like that. I wiped my mouth with the napkin that laid on the side of the plate and then heard music playing. A voiln and piano softly played a melody. I got up out from under the covers. My feet touched the wooden flooring. Each step I took made the floor sqeak. 

"Lia?" I heard Altairs voice from behind me. "Where are you going?"

"Where were you?" I asked him. "When I woke up, you weren't in this room. How did you get in here?" I asked him. I thought I was going crazy.

"I was in the bathroom. How did you not hear the water running?" Altair shook his head in disappointment. "You must learn how to focus on all the things you hear not just what is loudest or captures your attention. That can help you in the future." Altair explained as I poked my head out of our chambers. Down in the Great Hall, people were slowly gathering, wearing gowns and suits.

"What's going on? and how long have I been asleep?" I asked Altair who was examining my empty plate.

"You really are one of a kind." He pointed out as he lifted the plate and settled it back down. " No blood sucker would be able to sarf this down the way you did."

"I managed." I told him with a shy smile. The food at first tasted plain as I took my first couple of bites, but as I kept eating, it was as if my taste buds were slowly remembering what sweets and salts tasted like. I turned to Altair who was drying himself up with a white towel. I studied his body as he moved around the room to prepare for the party. I assumed the Elders were throwing. Altair was strapping, but as I looked closer to his skin I realized he had microscopic scars on his back. Something I woldnn't have noticed if I was a human.

"Where are those scars from?" I asked him. 

"What scars?" Altair asked me as he quickly ran to the full-length mirror to check out his back for himself but he forgot he can't see his relfection. I got up off the bed and traced my long fingers along his back so he could see where I was looking at. He squinted his eyes hard to see what I saw. "Wow, I never even noticed that."

"Do you know where it is from?" I asked him with concerned eyes.

"You might want to sit down." I did as he said with his physic still uncovered from the top. As distracting his torso was his way with words kepts me focused. "It can be either one of two things and from my guess its the latter. A long time ago, I was taken in by some Elders, not these ones but another group that was much more strict allowed me to stay in their home as I was traveling. They  got word that I was romantically involved with a human. I should have had better sense than to bring her where I was staying. I was still technically new to all this and I was granted permission from Cornilious to be on my own. They made her forget everything she saw, but once she got a glance of my face when she was leaving the grounds, her love from me brought the memory back that vampires ruled the grounds she was on. Never again did I see her. I was condemned to one hundred lashes with silver whips. I was wounded for a couple of days as my scars slowly closed. This must-have left these marks without me ever knowing. You must have better eye sight then I have. "

"I cant imagine how that must have felt." We both looked at each. Him with with brooding eyes and me with sadness. He got up and walked away putting his shirt on. " Well what is the second?"

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