Chapter VI

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Altair's lifeless body was thrown all the way down into the muggy cell next to me. His body fell like a rag doll onto the little body of water that laid in the middle of the cell. The splash wet not only him but me. The little drops of water that splashed on my skin cooled me off. I wiped the sweat from my brows as I tried to touch Altair with my finger through the bars of the cell. Altair struggled to get up but the silver block they tortured him with was like kryptonite. It weakened him so much he was unable to even stand on his own. His back was filled with blood pouring out of his gashes with whips they must have used on him. Burned marks were still warm on what was left of his back. I wanted to rip the pieces of skin hanging off so that new ones can regenerate. I could see traces of his spine peek through the webbing of his skin. Whoever did this to him had no compassion left in their heart for if he were human he would be dead. I held Altair's hand in mine. He stood laying on the cold cobblestone ground. He was weak but I knew how to get him back to himself. I could have used my nail to cut open my wrist but nails were too brittle from the baby taking all of my blood. It was like having a parasite living inside me. I found a loose brick in my cell and decided this would be the only way I could revive Altair. I sharpened the edge of the brick for what felt like hours till the edge was pointed enough to price through my skin. When I looked over to Altair he was still unconscious in the cell next to me. His skin was not coming back together. I closed my eyes as I brought the jagged edge of the brick to my wrist opening my writ. Let out a sigh of relief when I saw my blood spilling over my arm and onto the floor. I pulled Altair closer to me just by getting a hold of his shirt and dragging him closer to my cell allowing me to pour my blood in between his lips. I watched the pieces of his back slowly come together with each gulp Altair took of my blood. When his wound finally came together I pulled my arm away. 

"Altair?" I called out his name with concern on my face. I teared up just when my name left his lips.

"Lia," Altair grabbed placed his hands on top of mine through the bars. "I'm so sorry for all of this. For putting you through all of this." He told me. 

"Altair you don't have to apologize for anything. You didn't know y of this was going to happen." I told him just as I heard footsteps coming down. Diggory's face appeared from behind the spiral staircase. 

"Grab her." He directed a newborn what to do. I didn't want to let go of Altairs hands. I held onto it as they pulled me from my waist. Little by little my fingers began to slip away from the bars and Altaur fingers altogether. 

"Leave her alone!" Altair shouted with fury in his eyes. Once Diggory had a good grasp on my arm I used the jagged brick I grabbed while being torn away from Altair and shoved with just enough strength into Diggorys neck making him fall to the ground. Somehow all the rage that I stow away finally boiled to the surface. I wasn't a fragile human anymore. I was a vampire. I punched the newborn so hard I felt his heart beating in my hands when I tore it out of him and threw it to the side. Diggory was still on the floor trying to pull out the jagged brick I embedded in his neck. He was chocking on his blood and was going to stay away until he had the courage to pull it out himself or someone else did it for him. I unlocked the cell Altair was in using the keys I found on the ground and rejoiced with my husband. He was in full shock. 

"I didn't think you had it in you." He told me with a sly smile. The blood on my hands dripped to the ground as Altair gave me a kiss. I wiped my hands on Diggorys clothes and kicked the brick into his neck once more before I left. Altair and I ran across the hall in a haste. As I unlocked the rest of the Arlgey coven Altair kept watch until a familiar voice came running down the stairs. 

"So we meet again," Jaxx said to Altair as Altair took a stance. "There is no need for this. I beheaded them all." He told us as he threw the elders heads down in front of us.

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