Distant dreams

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Lena pushed the elevator button, then moved, and then waited. She was heading to Kara's loft to sit with Alex and Nia, eat some pizza, drink some wine, and have a girls night. Now that they could finally relax for a few moments after stopping Lex, they had all decided it was time to relax and enjoy the moment. Lena got in the elevator, with her purse slung over her shoulder. Halfway down her something started vibrating against her chest, she pulled her phone out of her purse, and answered.
"Hey Kara, I'm on my way now."
"Okay, good because Nia just got here, and now we're just waiting for you. Alex brought the wine, but it still sucks because I can't get drunk"
"Well we could always get you that drink you had with Mon-el that one time at the bar."
"Yeah, the one time I had that I almost got fired."
"Well, it's fine, because you don't work at the DEO anymore."
The elevator door opened and Lena started walking towards her car.
Kara laughed on the other side of the phone and Lena smiled gently, "Well anyway just get over here, because I will drink all this wine even if it won't get me drunk."
     "You can't do that, I want some."
     "Well then you better hurry."
Lena hung up the phone and her smile widened, thinking about Kara and how glad she was to have her as a friend again. She walked through the parking lot and fished her keys out of her purse. She went to get in her car, but when she opened the door it was just black. It was as if when creating the simulation that was Lena's life, someone forgot to simulate the inside of the car. She closed the door, closed her eyes, shook her head and tried again. Suddenly there was an inside to the car. Lena shook it off and got behind the wheel.
The drive was a familiar one, the same as the drive she always took to Kara's house, so by time she left the parking garage she was already on autopilot. There was something strange about the things that were going on around her, it was almost like some of the details of the world around her were missing, or two familiar, she saw the same couple kiss three times, and she though she saw the same old man walking his dog twice. Once again Lena shook it off, she was just so excited to finally get to see Kara. There was no one else in the world who understood her like she did.
She pulled into the visitor lot, the same spot she always used. She locked her car door as she got out and headed into Kara's apartment. This was a place she knew well. When she closed her eyes she could tell you where every book and potted plant sat. Alex was sitting on the couch leaning up against Kara with her feet up, each of them having a glass of red wine in their hands. Nia was sitting on the floor, her legs crossed over each other with her head tossed back laughing. Kara was laughing with her in between bites of the piece of pizza she was holding. Lena smiled. If she could choose to be anywhere in the world right now, she would still choose to be here. Not France, not Spain, not the fortress, she would always choose to come right back here.
     "Lena!" Alex sat up and tossed her legs down to the floor, "It's about time you showed up."
     "Sorry, I had one last thing I had to push through at work." Lena dropped her purse to the floor, and she took her spot at the end of the couch. She kicked off her shoes and tucked her legs together. It was only with these people she would ever let her guard down so much.
      "Man I missed this. I missed what we had. I can't believe I didn't see it sooner."
     "See what?" Nia asked.
      "See that you were just trying to protect me."
Kara got a look on her face, she puffed out her lips and her eyes bugged out. It was a look that's said oh, I got more to tell you.
     "Yeah I saw that timeline, and trust me when I tell you that is not the timeline we want."
     Alex sat up straight and looked her sister in the eyes, "you never told me about that."
     Nia chimed in, "do tell."
     "Ok, so essentially when Mxy came and tried to help fix my relationship with you," she looked towards Lena, but Lena cut her off.
     "Wait, that imp came back."
     "Yeah, he came back and was all like 'I must help you, in order to be free' and I was all like 'what can you possibly help me with' and he was all like 'this' and then we showed up on our TV. It was super creepy. And I missed you so much, and I felt so bad for hurting you that I agreed. So basically I could tell you I was supergirl at all these different times and see if I liked the outcome. The first one I died, so that was a big no. The second one you died, Mon-El died, reign killed basically everyone. The third one was good for a while, basically our friendship started with me telling you and it was great, but then you were kidnapped by lockwood and the only reason for me to save you was to reveal my identity to the world. So I did, and then everyone died in this reality too. Also there was one last timeline where I never became your friend, as a last stitch effort not to hurt you, but when your brother tried to have you killed, I wasn't there to save you, and your mother turned you into a cadmus project."
     Lena got a weird feeling. It was like she had this conversation already, but there was something particularly bothersome about the words, but your brother tried to have you killed. It was probably nothing right? I mean there's no way she already had this conversation, she would have remembered. Besides, it wasn't that weird to think that Lex would kill his own sister, well now at least, because he dicc did try to years ago. The girls laughed, ate pizza and drank wine for hours, when Nia and Alex decided that they should probably head out. The girls hugged each other and they left. Lena knew she should probably leave but there was something about this place that felt so safe and comfortable.
     "Lena, you've had a long week. I don't want you driving home. Why don't you crash on my couch tonight?"
"Yeah you know you're right. Do you have something I could sleep in? I could also really use a shower."
"Yeah of course, you can borrow any of my clothes, and go ahead, take a shower, you know where it is."
     Lena got up and went to the back of the loft. She grabbed a pair of leggings, and Kara's old Catco sweatshirt, smelling the perfume still lingering on the frantic. She turned on the hot water, as she struggled to unzip her pencil skirt. It felt good to take off the constricting outfit and let it fall to the floor, and not even care if it gets wrinkled. She stepped under the hot water, and let her hair get soaked, knowing her natural waves would bounce back to life.
      She stood there for a while trying to think, but it was like her mind was constricted, like she didn't have her full thought capacity, Lena was only able to just be. There were words she kept trying to come up with that she didn't seem to be able to think of. She kept thinking about the car earlier, and she kept thinking about what Kara said about Lex. Why did everything seem a little bit off, almost like it was a bit too perfect, but it was all out of place. When Lena turned around and faced the water, looking for Kara's shampoo that was when she noticed the mold in the top corner of the shower. I should tell kara about that. She shampooed her hair and watched as the suds ran down to her feet. It felt good to wash the day off of her. She dumped what felt like pounds of conditioner into her hair and started working through the tangles. After washing all the sweat and dirt of her skin, and working the conditioner out of her hair, Lena stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fluffy white towel around herself. She used another smaller towel to scrunch the water out of the dark waves that were already forming.
She wiped the mascara from under her eyes as she pulled the catco sweatshirt over her head, hair still dripping down her back. Then, one leg at a time, she pulled on the leggings. Only in the comfort of her own home does she usually let her guard down, but with Kara she felt like she could. This was almost like her own home. She left the bathroom with her clothes in her arms, only to drop them on the floor by her purse. By time she had actually gotten out near the couch she had completely forgotten about the mold in the shower.
     "Hey so I set up the couch for you. I hope it's comfortable enough."
     "I'm sure it's fine."
     "Ok, well we've both had a long day do I think it's best if we just crash. Personally I can't keep my eyes open"
     "Okay, well goodnight then." Kara went back to her bed, and Lena took her place on the couch as the lights went out. She stared up at the ceiling a good while before finally being able to get to sleep. She tried to think, but once again it felt like her brain wasn't working quite right. But eventually she drifted off, consumed by the darkness.

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