My sister's keeper

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"Brainy I don't have my powers here."

"It's ok, you just need to get her to the exit." Supergirl did not step in yet, instead she watched and waited. She watched as a man in a ski mask punched her sister in the stomach.

"Tell me, who is supergirl?" The man said in an unrecognizable and muffles voice. This was Alex's worst nightmare. She was being tortured to protect her sister. It took everything Kara had not to run away, because the truth is that this was also her worst nightmare. Someone she loved, used to hurt her.

The man punched Alex in the face this time, blood spewed out of her mouth, and she spit the bloody saliva in her captive's face. "Chew on that!" She said.

"Maybe you should take a moment, think about what you want to say next, because next time I won't be using my fist." Alex, with all her weight being held up by her wrists hung as her captor left for a few moments, holding a dagger in his hand.

"Alex" Kara ran up to her sister, and picked her up. She held her as best she could without her powers, as she untied her wrists. She fell to the floor and collapsed. The pain from all the torture catching up to her.

"I have Alex, I'm gonna get her out of here"

"Who are you talking to." Alex asked, blood still dripping out of her mouth.

"Brainy. None of this is real but it's gonna feel pretty real when you wake up. What happens to you in here happens out there."

"Brainy?" She didn't get a response.

"Sorry, It's Nia. Her mindscape it's, it's awful. I need to focus, just get Alex out of there." Brainy went silent.

"Alex can you walk?" She turned to her sister, being supported by Leaning on Kara's shoulder.

"I think so, but can you do an x-ray for me? He bashed my legs with a baseball bat. His preffered method of torture."

"I don't have my powers, we're just gonna have to do the best we can." Alex put all her weight onto two broken legs. Her shins had been beaten and bruised, but she used all the adrenaline she had to push through. They managed to get out of the warehouse.

When they got out of the warehouse Kara found a car, probably that of her captor. "Brainy where's the exit?"

"It would be at the Apex of the mindscape, the center of where Alex's brain began to craft her own personal hell. Usually mindscape starts somewhere important to us, but these are different. The entire mindscape was built on the premise of Alex's worst fears and memories. Where is her worst memory?" He managed to get in between load noises.

"Thanks Brainy."

Alex slouched in the passenger seat."When's the last time you drove a car?" Alex asked her.

"Well, Eliza taught me when I was 16, and I drove a car for a little while before I moved to a national city and started taking the bus, oh and that time we went back to Midvale."

"So, a long time."

"Yeah." Kara did the best she could to drive them away, but it was a good thing no one was on the roads, because she would have caused a lot of accidents.

"Brainy said the Apex of this place would be where your worst memory is. Do we agree on where that is?"

"I think we do." Kara kept driving towards the spot that they were both thinking off, and both of them cringed at the thought of reliving that memory, but still she drove towards midvale, because once again her worst memory was because her sister was Supergirl, rather then just being Kara Danvers. When they got where they were going Kara had to hold back tears. There she saw her broken body, bloodied and lifeless. Above that body she could see the apex.

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