Chasing a Demon

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      When she arrived at the tower only Brainy was there, he never seemed to stop working.
    "Supergirl, you're here early." He said without ever looking away.
    "Yes, I have some new information for you. Lena was up most of the night and she thinks that she figured out how we can track Lex down. It was probably the reason he wanted her dead. I looked through some of these notes, but maybe you will be able to make some more sense of these."
     Brainy took the papers and scanned through them, "Yes, yes, this should narrow it down." Brainy went back to his computer, so Kara called Alex in the mean time.
     "Kara, what the hell are you doing, calling me before the sun is even up." Alex groaned.
     "We have a way to track Lex."
     "I'll be right there, I'll call J'onn, you call Nia."
Kara hung up the phone and dialed Nia's number. Of course, she was already awake, "Hey Kara, are you coming back to Catco? I'm getting ready for work right now."
      "No, not yet, but soon. We have a way to track Lex." Kara had always said she'd come back after they had caught Lex
     "Say no more, I'll be there soon."
      J'onn was the first to arrive, it helped that he had the ability to fly. "Alex called, she told me Brainy had a way to track Lex?"
     "Yeah, but it was actually all Lena, she stayed up for hours working on it. He's using it to narrow down the possibilities of his location." She boasted in her girlfriends abilities.
     "Is there a way to prove that what he did was connected to Lex?" J'onn asked, forever the realist.
     "Well, I was worried about that too, but Lena had a suggestion. If we manage to stop him, he can be charged on smaller crimes."
     "There's one problem with that, we're no longer operating within a government organization. We don't have the authority to charge citizens with anything." J'onn's realism was beginning to become frustrating.
    " I don't care. We have to stop him, no matter what it takes. When it's clear that he is breaking the law, the authorities can take it over from there."
      "Do you really think that will go as planned?"
     "No, but we have to start somewhere."
Nia arrived next, She wrapped her arms around her friend, "Oh, Kara. We're gonna stop him. I promise we're gonna get him." They embraced each other for a moment, enjoying that feeling of having someone there for her. Yes, Lena was there for Kara but she felt like she had to hide her pain from her, Lena had enough of her own pain.
     Alex followed not much later, but before she jumped into the work she hugged her sister, "we're gonna get him Kara, we're so close."
     "Thanks." They separated.
      "How's Lena?"
     "Well, she figured out how to find Lex, so she's making progress. But, she's struggling."
     "Any progress with her legs?" Alex probed.
     "We'll she's two weeks out from her surgery, and she's making a fast recovery in physical therapy. Dr. Singh says that she still has a long road ahead of her, but soon she should be ready for her next surgery."
     "Well, it looks like things are moving in the right direction." Alex's eyes were full of pity. She felt sorry for her sister, she felt sorry for her friend, and she just felt sorry. Kara could see it written all over her face.
     "It's just hard, it's been over two months since she woke up and it feels like we've made barely any progress. Now I know, Dr. Singh said it could be more than a year before Lena is moving around without any restrictions. And I know she will probably never get her sight fully back."
     "It's gonna be ok, Kara." She hugged her alien sister, and Kara began to cry. It was just a tear or two. "Lena's strong, she's gonna find a way to keep going. You just have to let her figure it out."
     "Guys, I have it narrowed down to three locations. Each of which have an equal chance of being Lex's hideout."
     "Ok, let's pair off. Nia and Alex, you can go to one. J'onn and Brainy, you can go to another. And I'll take the last one."
     "You shouldn't go alone, Supergirl." J'onn stated plainly.
     "Well, there's only five of us."
     "What about Kelly?" Alex suggested.
     "No, It's way too dangerous. If Lex is there, I won't go in yet, I'll wait for back up."
      "Ok, it's settled. I will go with J'onn, Nia, you will go with Alex." And they went. Comms were in and everyone was ready.
     "Alex?" Kara asked.
     "Just got here, I'm doing a perimeter check now."
      "Just finished a perimeter sweep, looks empty, Brainy and I am going to head inside. What about you Supergirl?"
     "Perimeter looks clear, I'm checking things out now." She tried to use X-ray vision, but the place was lined with lead. Now that she thought about it, she realized that Lex would absolutely pick a spot lined with lead. She used her heat vision to burn her way through the wall in the back. She kicked it in, but was disappointed to find there was nothing there.
     "Nothing here."
      "Nothing here either supergirl. Alex?" J'onn waited for a reply. "Alex?"
     "I'm already on it." Kara had panic in her voice. She knew that Alex would never go off comms, not unless... No she couldn't even think about it. She had to go. She pushed herself into the sky, and flew as fast as possible. She reached the site and could tell that something was off. Things felt strange and quiet. J'onn came right behind her, and Brainy jumped out of his arms.
     Kara waited for nothing, she flew right in. She was disturbed with what she saw. There was Lex, sitting with another Lex in a lab. In two tubes full of some sort of liquid was both Alex and Nia. They were suspended in some kind of orange gel, how did he beat Nia?
     "What did you do to them?" First she be said it softly then she screamed with an immense amount of anger in her voice. "What did you do?" She repeated.
     "See, I couldn't have them getting in the way of my plans, the same way I couldn't have my dear, dear, sister getting in the way. Now, I did hear she survived her injuries, but I really thought the brain damage would be enough to keep her from talking."
     "Did you really think that would work? Did you really think that she would let you get away with this?"
    "No, that's why I have a contingency plan. I'm walking away now, and you can come after me, but then you won't be able to save your sister and your friend."
     "What did you do to them!" She screamed in his face.
      "Nothing really. I just trapped them in their own worst nightmare." Lex began to turn to walk away, and as soon as Supergirl was ready to go chase after him, he turned back around, "oh, and by the way, anything that happens in that mindscape of theirs, happens to them in the real world." He turned to walk away, and as he left the building he called out, "tick tock!"
     The anxiety pumped through her veins. He heart quickened and she considered, just for a moment, going after Lex. She thought that maybe, just maybe, she could kill him and make it back in time to save her sister and Nia. No, she wouldn't kill him, even for Lex Luthor, there is always a better way.
J'onn interrupted her thoughts, he called from across the warehouse, "Supergirl! What happened?" He was still in his martian form, and flew to where Nia and Alen were suspended in some kind of orange liquid.
    "It was Lex, he trapped them in their own personal hell."
    "We need to get them out of here."
    "Where are we going to take them?" Kara asked, "we can't use the labs at the DEO."
    Brainy chimed in, "We should take them back to the legion ship, we have all of the technology we need to save them there." Supergirl used both fists to simultaneously punch through the glass on both containers. The two girls fell out of their liquid prisons, and Kara caught her sister, J'onn caught Nia. They took to the skys, and flew as fast as they could, brainy holding onto Kara. Kara had a million and one things running through her head, but she tried to push them all out except one: save my sister.
      When they reached the legion ship two of her favorite women laid on cool metal tables. Brainy hooked up all kinds of things that Kara couldn't even begin to understand the purpose of them. Kara had begun to notice things, she specifically noticed the gashes that had appeared in Alex's cheek, and the black eye that Nia now had. Everything that was happening to them in this mind world, was manifesting in the real world. Brainy put what looked like a white piece of plastic on his head, and then he placed one on Kara.
    "Who's mindscape do you want to go into?" At first the decision seemed hard. She cared about them both so much. Then, when she really thought about it, it was obvious. She had to go into Alex's brain, she knew Alex better, she would be able to navigate her mindscape.
    "I'll go into Alex, you go into Nia."
     "Okay, when we're in there we'll only be able to communicate with each other, I will be able to use my Colouan powers to talk to J'onn out here."
     "Ok Let's do it." Kara and Brainy laid down, and entered their minds. Alex found her sister strung up by her wrists.

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