Double sided

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     "Well, this is interesting."
    Lena pulled away from Kara suddenly, being interrupted by Brainy.
    "What the hell Brainy!" Lena yelled, legs still wrapped around Kara.
    "Sorry I don't mean to intrude, but this is a very interesting mind palace you've got here. Usually your mind palace is the place you most feel comfortable, it is interesting to me that for you that happens to be Kara's loft, of all places.
    This time it was Kara who spoke, "What the hell are you talking about?"
    "Oh, this makes sense. In order for your brain to make sense of the fact that you're in Kara's loft, Kara has to be here." He seemed to be thinking out loud, leaving Lena even more confused.
    "What do you mean 'my brain'" Lena stood up, suddenly defensive. She pulled down her sweatshirt and smoothed out her hair.
    "Oh yeah, sorry I buried the lead on that one. None of this is real."
    "What do you mean none of this is real, or course this is real."
    Brainy dragged his hand down his face, "You're in a coma, your brother tried to have you killed."
    Lena suddenly went back to the moment when Kara was explaining the previous timelines. She said something about her brother trying to kill her, and now it all made sense. She thought about all the little glitches, the people in the road that didn't feel right. That time she tried to get into the car. It all began to click.
    "So, let me get this straight. I'm in a coma, none of this is real? Kara and I weren't just making out?" Her stomach dropped like a rock. Maybe Kara didn't love her after all?
    "No trust me she does."
    "Did I say that out loud?"
     "I'm in your head Lena. Did you ever wonder why you were having such a hard time thinking? It's because you are in your head, all of this is a thought, so in order to truly think it you must say it."
Lena looked back at the couch where Kara was sitting, but she was gone. "Where did she go?"
     "Now that your brain has made the connection, it doesn't need Kara here to explain your presence in her loft."
     "Wait, you said she loves me back."
     "Yes, and she's very happy to know that the feelings are mutual."
     "Wait so you're telling me that you're talking to her right now."
     "Well I'm a very good multi-tasker."
     "What exactly are you doing here?"
     Brainy sighed, "Well largey I am trying to determine the extent of the brain damage, and make sure that you are recovering."
      Lena was confused beyond anything that she could imagine. People went into and came out of coma's all the time, but most of them didn't have their friends visiting them inside their heads. Brainy started looking around until his eyes drifted up to the ceiling. "Oh, my."
     "What is it? Kara has mold in her loft, so what."
     "That's not just mold. You see, brain damage can manifest in many different ways, mold, mildew, cobwebs, this is the perfect example."
     Lena's heart started racing. Wait was it actually her heart, if this was all in her head. She wasn't sure. "Brainy you need to see this then." First she showed him under the couch, then the shower, and the more he saw the more concerned he was.
     "The damage to your occipital lobe is worse than I had hoped."
     "Wait that is the part of the brain that--"
    "Controls vision yes, I know. It is impossible to tell what exactly the ramifications of this damage will be, but there is a good chance your sight will be greatly affected." Lena was usually good about keeping it together, but he was in her head, there was no way to hide her feelings from him.
     "Can you please leave. I want you out of my head."
     "Yes I think I have gathered the information I need for now. When you are ready to wake up you will have to be the one to walk out that door. It will open when your body is ready, good luck." And he was gone. Lena rushed to the door, she wanted to get back, she needed to get back. But instead she just collapsed and started crying. What if she could never see again?
    "I do have some concerns."
    Alex looked at Brainy, "Are you still in there?"
    "No." He removed the device from her forehead. "There is definitely damage, but she is recovering and she should be breathing on her own very soon." What Brainy didn't know was that once he left Lena kept pushing and pushing on that door until it would open. Now that she knew what was going on, she was willing to fight.
     She ran to the door and although it wouldn't open, that didn't stop her from trying. She banged both fists on the door. Tears were streaming down her face.
      "Open Damnit!" She screamed at the door as if that was going to change its mind. She kicked it, again and again, her feet aching from the effort.
     "Please open..." she pleaded with the door. As she fell to her knees, just about giving up, if finally cracked. The door swung open and Lena fell through.

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