Slippery Slopes

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    When they were all sitting in the waiting room having gotten used to waiting for their friends to come out of surgery, Alex questioned Kara.

   "Hey are you Okay?" It was a simple question, one that Kara could easily dismiss with anyone else, but Alex wouldn't let it go that easily.

    "No, I keep trying to push it down but it keeps coming back up."

    "What exactly are you trying to push down?"

     "The fact that this is all my fault, if it wasn't for me, you or Nia wouldn't have gotten hurt, not to mention Lena. If Lena had never come to our side, Lex never would have tried to kill her."

    Alex grabbed Kara's hand and pulled it to her chest, close to her own beating heart, the beating heart Kara tuned into, listening closely. "Kara, look, I'm fine."

    "I can still see the scar across your cheek.." Kara reached her arm up and gently touched the mark still pink and puffy, before Alex pushed her hand back down.

    "So what? Scars are badass, and you should be jealous because you can't get scars. Besides, I'm walking. My wrists are fine." She rolled them around to prove that they were just as functional as they had ever been. "I'm even training with J'onn, and going out in the field." she grabbed her sisters hands again, and tucked then into her fists.

    "What about Nia?" Kara glanced across the room, and saw Nia laughing as she talked to Brainy, who arrived moments after they took Lena into surgery, apologizing frantically for being late. He was disappointed he didn't get to see her off. She was tucked into herself, hiding in her own skin, but she was smiling, a light in her eyes. 

    "Look at her Kara, she's okay." Alex pushed Kara's face to the side, so that their eyes met, and Kara could no longer look at Nia. "She may not be fine yet, but she will get a kidney, she will live a normal life, she will get there eventually, even if it's not today."


     "No Kara, there is more to this situation than that. We all signed up for this, listen to me ok?" She paused, but Kara didn't say anything, "we are all in this fight against Lex, this is about more than just you. We all signed up for this knowing what we were getting into. Not everything is about you." Those last words stung. It was a little reminder that Kara was being selfish in blaming herself. She forgot that in blaming herself, she was forgetting that there was more to this than just hurting Kara, there was more to Lex's plan.

    "Alex that's it, that's why we can't stop him."


    "We don't know his true purpose. We know he's creating a bizarro to cover something, but we don't know what he's planning, or why he needs more time. We have no idea why he's trying to give himself an alibi."

    "Hold on," Alex got up and went over to where Nia and Brainy were sitting. She bent down and whispered something into Brainy's ear, he nodded thoughtfully, hanging onto every word, and then Alex sat right back down.

     "I have Brainy looking into any possible leads on what Lex might be up to, but I do have a few Ideas."

    "Like what?"

    "Well, Lex always wanted to kill superman, until crisis, at which point he realized he wanted more than to just kill Superman. I think he's aiming for world domination, I think he's aiming for something bigger. Do you remember last year when he teamed up with Lena, and she was trying to make people stop hurting each other."

     Kara's head fell, she didn't want to think about that again. She had hurt Lena so badly that she wanted to find a way for no one to ever hurt her again, no matter the cost. "Yes." She said under her breath, staring at her feet.

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