Catching up with Fate

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     It was a 50/50 shot on getting the right place the first time, but Kara remembered the place she went to, and since she cut a giant hole in the wall, she figured they would try the other one first. Sure enough, the place was definitely occupied.

     As the four of them made their way around the perimeter they noticed few signs of life. Maybe a footprint here and there, nothing significant, but it was still enough. She worked her way around the building, and while there were few signs of life, they determined the building was definitely occupied. As planned J'onn flew up to the roof, and Brainy waited at the front. Supergirl needed to wait until Bizzaro made his exit. Lex had a public appearance scheduled in one hour, so after his regular maintenance, Lex and Bizarro Lex would part ways, and one of them would have to leave, leaving the other one vulnerable. Kara just hoped it was the real Lex left inside.

   The building had three exits, and each of them took up a position, waiting silently in teh shadows. After Brainy did a heat signature scan and they determined that there were indeed two bodies in the warehouse. Brainy had said that it was unlikely Lex was able to support two Bizzarros but Kara still had to plan for the possibility.

    What was really just minutes felt like years. Kara and Brainy were stationed at the back entrances, with Alex at the front. Kara had tried to tell Alex that she shouldn't be alone, but Alex argued that Lex was less likely to use that entrance anyway. Kara looked towards Brainy, his image inducer back on, and his back pressed against the wall.

    "Ready?" He mouthed to her.

     She nodded in reply. Suddenly Brainy's door swung open. He watched the bizzaro leave giving the door just enough time to close, before he swung into action, pulling the Lex look-alike into a choke hold and injecting him with a sedative. He crumpled to the ground, and the plan was in action. Kara went in first.

   It was a wide open space, only a small part being taken up by Lex's contraptions. There he was sitting at a computer, like any other human at work on any normal day. Lex Luthor was not any other normal human. He was a despicable creature and a person who needed to be put away for good, Kara knew that now. She would do whatever it she needed to, in order to end this once and for all.

   "Glad to see you could drop by." He smirked, the corner of his lips pulling upwards. "I was beginning to think you'd never show." He relaxed back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

   She smiled in reply, knowing that the second she moved there was some kryptonite dart waiting to shoot her, or maybe another evil contraption designed to kill her. She knew better than that now, he would not make this easy.

   "I see you learned from your mistakes, finally knowing that anyone you bring with you, I'll just hurt them too. I heard about your friend Dreamer, what a shame she needs a new kidney. Too bad they don't seem to be able to find one, people die on that list you know." He stayed seated and gave her a smirk. He thought he had won.

    It took everything she had not to go running after him, to not rip his throat out with her bare hands. She could, she knew that, but it wasn't worth it. There was no way for her to believe it could be this easy. Her fists were clenched at her sides, but she wouldn't move.

    Lex kept talking, but no matter what he did, he refused to stand from his seat. Behind him, Kara could see Alex sneak in through the front door, it was all part of the plan. Behind her Brainy followed.

   "So, you've come to capture me..." He was buying time, and Kara was going to let him. He was trying to make her angry, to lure her towards him, but that was too predictable, Kara knew better. As planned Alex stayed in position and Brain climbed up onto the catwalk. It was one of the reasons Lex chose this place, the catwalk served as the perfect place to set up traps that Supergirl couldn't see.

    Lex droned on, "And now that you've taken my sister as a mate, please that's the best reason yet to kill you..." She wanted to rip his throat out, but not yet. He was trying to rile her up, he wanted her to attack him, so she would do the opposite.

    Brainy circled the catwalk, careful to not make too much noise, and disabled several different weapons, but she didn't look at him. If she looked at Brainy, Lex would know that she wasn't alone, and she was counting on Lex thinking she was alone. Every once in a while she would glance up at Alex, who watched Brainy move around catwalk. After he had disabled all the contraption, Alex began to move forward, slowly, until her footsteps were audible.

    Lex swiveled in his chair and stood up abruptly, looking between the sister he exclaimed, "You fool! You thought bringing you sister would save you would save you, I'll just kill her too."

    "No Lex," Kara said, "You're the fool. Every move you've put into motion, I've already planned out."

    Kara stepped forward, and while she was sure something was supposed to happen, nothing did. Instead, she was able to approach Lex without fear, and he looked around in panic, knowing his plan had failed, but as they had planned for, he had a back up plan. She went to wrap her hands around his throat.

    "You may have foiled my first plan, do you really think I'm stupid enough to no have a back up plan, of course I have a backup plan." He pulled two gun looking contraptions out of holsters on his hips, and Kara took a step back in surprise.

    "You do know I'm bulletproof right?" One gun was pointed at each girl.

   "Of course I know you're bulletproof" He scoffed, "these kryptonite ray guns have the ability to burn a hole right through your chest, forget what they'll do to your sister." There was a moment where fear coursed through Kara's veins, fear and anger, but they had planned for this. Lex was still unaware that Brainy was on the catwalk and J'onn was on the roof, waiting for the signal.

   "That's the only what you think, but we planned for your plan B." Confusion flashed over Lex's face, but it didn't last long. J'onn, in martian form, came crashing through the ceiling, sending bits of drywall and wood flying. Before anyone had time to think. Lex was on his knees, arms pinned behind his back.

    "I told you it would work!" Kara exclaimed, jumping up and down, unable to contain her excitements.

   "Well, you did have my calculations on your side." Brainy interrupted, smiling from the top of the catwalk. He ran down the stairs, clanging the whole way, no longer needing to be discrete.

    "Yes Brainy, we did have your calculations on our side." She giggled, for the first time in weeks she felt free. Not only had they gotten Lex, they had escaped with no fatalities or injuries. They had done it, after months of planning they had finally done it. Brainy picked up the kryptonite ray gun.

    "And this," He dangled the thing like it smelled, "needs to go back to the tower."

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