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I was panicking on what to wear for the date. "Should I wear this? No this! I can't choose!" I fell on my bed and looked at the time. Kurogiri let me have the day off since it was our date night and he said that he wanted us both to take this time to prepare. "Okay think (Y/n)...what will look good on a formal yet casual date?" I looked at my clothes and an idea popped into my mind. "Maybe the mall has something?" I went out the door after grabbing all the things I needed. 

I finished getting dressed and waited for Kurogiri. I paced back and fourth since I was nervous. I jumped as the knock came from the door. "Be right there!" I yelled. I took a deep breath and grabbed my purse. As I grabbed the door handle I tried to calm myself. 'It's fine. Nothing to worry about...just keep your cool.' I thought as I opened the door. "S-Sorry for holding up Kuro-" I looked up and saw a man with short purple hair that looked so soft to touch, he had bright yellow eyes, and he looked very handsome. I'm just imagining how kuro would look like since there is no fanart of him not looking like a purple mist. "Y-You look lovely (Y/n)." He said. My eyes widen. "K-Kurogiri? You...You got a new look...Not that I don't like it! I mean it's very different... and I really didn't expect this but this is nice." I noticed I began to ramble. "U-Uh you look good Kurogiri. Formal as ever." He chuckled and I saw a hint of blush. I blush from my embarrassment. "These are for you." He handed me a bouquet of roses. "These look lovely. I have to put these in water. Please come in, it shouldn't take long." He hummed and walked in. I grabbed a vase and filled it with water. "Your home is very comfy." He said. I smiled but it flattered a bit. "Not really. It's just me in here." I placed the vase on the table by the window. 

We both arrived and I was very surprised on how formal it was. I felt like I didn't belong here. "How did you?" I asked looking at him. "That's a secret my dear." I blushed as he grabbed my hand and we got seated outside on the balcony. It looked very beautiful at night. As we ordered our drinks, I looked at the menu. I was quick about picking food since I wasn't a picky eater. "So (Y/n), what did you do before you came into Japan?" Kurogiri asked. "I worked a daycare. Mainly because my siblings were in that school and my mother wanted to make sure that they were okay. They could cause a ruckus sometimes." I laughed. He chuckled. "So you've been in the daycare business since?" I hummed. "Did you have another occupations before the daycare?" I asked. He looked at me for a little before responding. "No, I always had to take care of the children." I nodded and took a sip from my glass of water. "You're not a drinker?" Kuro joked. I laughed a bit and shook my head. "No, my father made me drink a beer when I was twelve. I didn't like it and swore I wouldn't drink alcohol." I said. "Twelve? That doesn't sound responsible." I shook my head. "My father was tired that day and he wasn't thinking straight." Kurogiri nodded and the waiter took our ordered. Me and Kurogiri had many funny conversations and got to know one another well. I smiled at him and he returned one. I felt my heart beat faster as we continued to stare at each other and my face heated up. 'He's so cute when he smiles.' I thought. This only made me blush more. Just then his phone went off, I cleared my throat and drank my water and I let my eyes wonder around.  "Sorry, please excuse me." I nodded and I saw him walk to the restroom. 

- Kurogiri POV -

I made it to the men's restroom and answered the phone. "What is it?" "HI KUROGIRI! HOW IS YOUR DATE WITH (Y/N)?" I pulled the phone away as Toga yelled. "Toga! Keep your voice down! Also where's the babysitter?" "Huh? Oh him! He's right over here! Say hello!" I heard her mumble something to Dabi. "GET ME OUT OF HERE! HELP ME!" I sighed heavily as I heard his muffled screams. "I can't leave a day without you all causing trouble. I'm coming home and everything better look normal or else. Am I clear?" Toga hummed and I ended the call. I sighed heavily and I walked back to my table. "I'm sorry (Y/n) but I have to go home. My roommates are causing trouble." I choosed my words carefully since she didn't know about us being villains. "Oh of course. Are things okay?" She asked while grabbing her coat and purse. "I'm sure they're okay. They just can really be a headache sometimes." She chuckled and I paid for the check. 

As we got back to her home my wisp form was coming back. "Are you okay Kurogiri?" I nodded. "My normal form doesn't last long and I can only do this once a day." She nodded. "Quirks can be so strange." She joked. I laughed as she opened her door. "Well I had fun tonight and if you don't mind I would like to do it again with you." I said to her. I saw her blush and it made me smile of how easily she can be flustered. "Well that would delightful Kurogiri. And I also had fun tonight." She said. I smiled as I got near her. "Then we can have another date real soon." I kissed her cheek and I felt my face heat up as I did so. As I backed up I smiled and waved bye at her, she did the same and said a quick good night with such a flustered face. I chuckled and warped back to the bar. I sighed as I still say them fully energized. "KUROGIRI IS BACK! RUN!" Twice yelled. They all ran to their rooms with laughter falling behind them. "Children." I sighed. I looked over to the babysitter and warped them away. I sat on the couch and lay back. "I'm getting too tired for this." 

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