Chapter 25 The Eye of the Storm

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Authors Notes: Hello my friends, a short intermediate chapter this go around. The climax of this arc is almost at its conclusion. I will publish the final juicy bit on the next posting, so stay tuned for that in a few weeks. But, that being said, this is a multi-arc story, so plenty to come that I have written down! Just need to compile and finalize. Also, if you are a fan of the story, let me know in a comment or take the survey. Lastly, I hope you enjoy. : )

Chapter 25

The Eye of the Storm

Glancing over her shoulder for a final embrace of the morning light as the sun eclipsed the door behind her, Zelda realized that the tomb must have been powered by an assortment of ancient cogs and gears. She watched in curious amazement as they moved autonomously every which way along the wall that slid the thick and heavy door.

And as the gravestone rumbled overhead, slamming closed, a gust of chill wind brushed past her hair, blowing out the dim flicker to the torch she was carrying. The great gale also caused her to twist and stumble forward, almost tripping over herself into the long dark of the unknown. Verily nearly falling, she caught herself before she could.

Now engulfed by absolute darkness, her hair stood on the back of her neck as fear slowly crept into the back of her mind. There would be no turning back for the way behind was shut. All that was left to do now was venture deep into the lone abyss below Hyrule castle.

She sure could have used Link's bravery right about now, she thought silently.

Being of no use to her now, she tossed the dead torch aside as tip-toed warily down the old stone steps. Reaching outwards, she could only use her hands as a guide along the musty and damp wall; unsure exactly what she was even feeling for. The air in the chamber was old, very old. Untouched by the grace outside sun for thousands of years.

She couldn't see a thing, and the deafening silence of it all was unnerving. All that could be heard was the sound of her own breathing and heart beating as it echoed throughout the entire chamber. The noise of which sounded like it was calling out to her from the depths below the castle, leaving her with an uneasy feeling.

For in her mind she knew that whatever lie ahead, would surely hear her approach, and the thought of that happening in the black nothingness caused her to pace trepidatiously.

"Eghyaaa!" She screamed.

The step in front of her was nothing but empty space, and she fell into what she could have only imagined was an eternal pit of oblivion that spanned forever downward.

Clawing out in a panic in all directions but grabbing nothing but unending air in the void, she thought her doomed was all but certain until the sudden sensation of firm ground was felt beneath her feet once again.

Lifted up, she gasped in relief, heart racing. Pausing only for a moment to digest what had just occurred. But, Still, unable to see past her nose she believed herself to be on a path of some kind. She couldn't be certain.

But before she could step lightly away, the tile she stood upon sunk low and the room around her shook violently. The cavern roared louder and louder, bringing itself to what could only be her impending doom. When will this madness end!?

And just as she cried out in her thoughts, sconces all along the wall revealed a path in front of her and the entire surrounding chamber lit up brilliantly, with bright blue flames. The same blue torches which the sheikah of old and her people would use to light the furnaces of Din, from ages told from myth and legend.

She knew not where the power came to set them a fire, nor did she ponder on it further. For she was glad that her vision returned, and that she could breathe freely once again from the frightful thrill moments earlier.

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