Chapter 14

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"It looks like some sort of spell," Autumn said, stepping into the circle to examine it further.

All of a sudden, the key in the middle of the circle started to glow.

"Look! Your birthmark is glowing!" Alex exclaimed.

Autumn looked down at her arm and saw that the birthmark was, in fact, glowing.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. As Alex walked towards the door to see who it was, their attention was grabbed by a shutting of a book. They turned to see a woman, in her early twenties that looked almost identical to Autumn at a desk in the corner of the room getting up and walking towards the door.

"Hello?" Alex said, trying and failing to get the woman's attention, "Who are you?

The five looked at each other in wonder as the woman walked through Alex heading to answer the door.

The woman pushed open to reveal a man in his twenties, much taller than the woman, with dark hair and pale skin. The five stood in awe as they looked around they were no longer surrounded by each other, It was like they watching

"Hello Luna," the man said, sweetly, wrapping his arms around her, "I just finished training for the day and I thought that I would come see you."

"That's very sweet, I am just working on a new spell," Luna replied, turning back to the grimoires behind her on the desk.

"What's it for?"

"I'm not exactly sure yet. I had the strangest dream last night and I've been searching through all of my grimoires ever since I woke up."

"I'm sure I could help you find it," the man said.

"Thanks Damien," Luna said as she led him into the study.

The two sat down opening the book trying to find the right spell.

There was another knock on the door and the door is pushed open by a man who has messy light brown hair and two different colored eyes.

"What are you doing here, mutt?" The pale man said aggressively.

"Don't get your fangs in a twist, Damien, I'm just here to see Luna."

"What do you want Ian?" Luna asked.

"You know what I want Luna," Ian said smugly.

"What is he talking about Luna?" Damien said looking between the two.

"Ian... is my mate," Luna mumbled, looking away from Damien.

"What! How is that possible?"

"Ian told me that he would wait until I was 20, so I could be with you, Damien," Luna said, still not making eye contact with either of the men.

" I knew she was my mate since we were in high school, she was with you, my best friend. I couldn't do that to you so I told her I'd wait," Ian explained to Damien.

Damien was silent. Luna's nerves went haywire wanting to know his reaction to the sudden news.

Damien turned to Luna and said through teary eyes, "So you knew that he was your mate since we were 16!"

"Damien I-," Luna started.

"No was this all a joke to you!" Damien said, raising his voice louder, "We've been together for almost 5 years, Luna!"

"It wasn't a joke to me," Luna yelled back, "You're not allowed to say that. If your mate came along I would've been happy for you. This relationship wasn't a joke."

"I already found my mate," Damien said.

"W-what," Luna mumbled now in tears.

"Yeah I found her when I was 16."

"Who is it?"

"I was going to tell you but I guess I won't need to."

Luna stayed quiet.

"Well I guess we're over then," Damien said, starting to walk out of the house, "Oh and I was going to give you this, but it's useless to me now."

Damien threw a small velvet box towards the floor near Luna. Luna started sobbing and stepped forward towards Damien, but Ian held her back.

"Let. Me. Go," Luna said trying to get out of Ian's grasp.

"Calm down Luna," Ian said trying to calm the shaking woman he was holding.

Luna started sobbing louder and turned around and cried into Ian's shoulder. Luna was heart broken. She had to make the choice and she had to choose Ian.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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