Chapter 10

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Autumn ran out of the classroom into the hall crying, not caring about the students and teachers that tried to stop her. She came to her dorm room and fumbled with the keys unlocking the door. She walked in and slammed the door behind her. She slid down the back of the door and held her knees to her chest. Autumn was terrified of the power that she had and that she couldn't control it. It was a world that she was just thrown into with no one to help her understand what was going on with her magic. She got up and sat in her bed.

Suddenly, there was a faint rapping at her door.

"Go away," Autumn said sniffling.

"Come on Autumn. Can we just talk?" Autumn hears a familiar voice say.

"I said go away, Alex!" Autumn says, sniffling.

"Please Autumn."

"Come in," Autumn said through her sobs.

Alex wore a concerned face as he walked in.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"What do you think, Alex? I just shattered all the windows in a classroom and I'm not supposed to exist."

"Sorry, is there anything I can do to make you feel better," Alex said, poking Autumn's side making her giggle quietly.

"I'm a mistake. There's really nothing you can do to help me."

"No, you're not a mistake, Autumn."

"How do you know that? You've known me for less than a quarter of the school year, Alex. You don't know me."

"I know you enough to know that you're an amazing person and not a monster. And if anything you should embrace that you're special. You're one of a kind."

"How much trouble are we in?"

"I don't know yet. Headmaster Wickery was talking to Ambrosia's dad," Alex said, "do you want to go with me to the office to find out?"

Alex reached out a hand. Autumn nodded slowly and took his hand.


Nicky, Shawn, and Dawn were waiting outside of the Headmaster's office when Ambroisa's father came in to talk to her.

"How much trouble do you think we're in?" Nicky asked, looking between Shawn and Dawn. Shawn looked at Nicky and shrugged.

"Whatever, this is taking too long. I'm leaving," Dawn said, getting up.

"No, Dawn we're going to be in more trouble if you leave."

"Well I really don't care," Dawn said, as her eyes flashing bright gold making Nicky quickly back off. Dawn casually walked out of the office leaving Nicky and Shawn alone sitting next to each other.

Nicky was nervous, not only because they were in trouble for doing the spell, but also because her 16th birthday was in two days.

When a werewolf and royal vampire turns 16 they are supposed to find their mate. As one of the Alpha's oldest children, Nicky will have to find her mate so she can become the next alpha of her pack. Nicky and Dawn being twins, whoever finds their mate first will take over the pack as Alpha.

"What are you thinking about?" Shawn asked curiously.

"Nothing," Nicky mumbled.

Alex walked into the office with Autumn and they sat down across from Nicky and Shawn.

"Hey, where's Dawn?" Alex asked, confused.

"She left because she thought this was boring," Nicky answered annoyed.

A dark older Vampire walked out of the headmaster's office and walked past the four sitting waiting. The Vampire glanced at Autumn and stopped in front of her confused.

"Luna?" the man said hopefully.

"Who?" Autumn asked, confused.

The man shook his head clearing thoughts out of his head and continued to walk out of the office.

"What was that about?" Shawn asked looking at Autumn.

Autumn shrugged as Headmaster Wickery came out of his office.

"You can all come in now," Headmaster Wickery said looking around the room, "Where's Dawn?"

"She left a while ago," Shawn said.

Headmaster Wickery looked disappointed in Dawn then opened the door as all of them walked into his office. Ambrosia was waiting for them sat in a chair from a row of chairs in front of the desk.

"You can all sit down," Headmaster Wickery said, "SO do any of you want to tell me what happened."

The group looked at each other nervously.

"Umm...we were in advisory class and the windows shattered out of nowhere," Shawn said.

"Ok. You tell me the truth or I will get a truth potion,"

Headmaster Wickery said, annoyed, "I can sense when you're lying, so don't even try to lie."

"Fine," Autumn said, while the others looked at her nervously, "We found a book with a spell in it and wanted to try it. It backfired and shattered the windows,"

"You all realize that performing unsupervised magic is against the school rules," Headmaster Wickery sighed, "and from a book you just found. You don't know what the spell could've done, but you performed it anyways. You will be severely punished for your actions. You are going to have detention for two weeks and you will be split up out of the advisory class to avoid this in the future. Alright?"

The group nodded as Headmaster Wickery got up and opened the door.

"Next time you find a mysterious book bring it to me," Headmaster Wickery said while ushering the five of them out of his office, "Oh, and if you happen to see Dawn send her my way."

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