#10 KGxR: I dont like you - Fluff

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Well hello there. Here's the next request. Hope you'll like it. If so, let me know in the comments below. (Request made from MariaSB85NYY )

It was Saturday evening. To be exactly 09:32 pm, when you suddenly heard your doorbell ring. You stood up from your comfy sofa mumbling something about hating people that visit this late and walked towards the door. You opened it and looked into the eyes of your boss.
"Kilgrave? What' u doin' here?" You asked and cocked your eyebrow at the man in front of you. He just gave you a short smile, while coughing nervously.
That was new. You knew this man since 7 years now and you've NEVER seen him nervous. What an odd thing.
"Uhm. Hi Y/N. I- would you'd like to go for a walk with me?" He asked awkward and looked at you.
"W-what? Why? It's 09:34 pm. Why the hell would I want to go for a walk now?" You asked him confused, not knowing what all of this was.
„Oh come on. Please." he begged. Wait. He actually begged? What the hell happened to him?
„What's the matter with you?" you asked.
„W-why. What do you mean?"
„Why do you act like this? All nervous and stuff?" you explained and he scratched himself, clearly embarrassed about this whole situation, behind hi head.
„Well you know. I was just trying to be nice for once, cuz I really like you and since my powers don't work on you and you always hate when I order things like I usually do I've tried to be more friendly." he said and you couldn't help but look at him shocked.
Then your shocked face was instantly replaced with a wide grin and you heard yourself giggling like an maniac.
„Kilgrave, the man who actually kills people on a daily basis and hates every person on this planet wants to be nice to me." you say to yourself rather than to him while still giggling.
„Oh you know, it was a bad idea. Forget it. Good night Y/N." He said angry while starting to turn on his heals.
„No I'm sorry. Please. I would like to go on a walk with you." You say quickly and stop him from leaving. He nods still a little annoyed and you get back inside to get your jacket. Then you close your door behind you and walk down the floor with him by your side.

You two walked to the park next to you in silence. It was a beautiful night and not cold at all, so you opened your jacket a little. A few minutes later you two arrived a bench and he sat down on it. You did the same and then there was silence again.
„You know Y/N... As you already know I really like you." he finally began and you listened to him closely but remained your gaze on the lake shimmering in the moonlight before you.
„But that's not actually true. I don't like you." He then said and you felt your heart sank at these words. It hurt. But you also knew that actually Kilgrave likes nobody. He just tolerates some people because he could use them. But not you. You worked for him on your free will. And somehow you always thought that you were someone special. Someone he actually likes.
„I don't like you." he repeated himself but then suddenly added:
„I love you."
Your head snapped in hi direction and you looked at him with shocked eyes.
„You- you what?"
„I love you Y/N." he said again and smiled a little at you sudden reaction.
„You love me." you repeated again, starting to realise what that meant.
„Yap. And I wanted to told you that for 2 years now actually. I just was to afraid of you leaving. But somehow I think you maybe feel the same way... Do you?" he then asked curious and looked at you with hopeful eyes.
You suddenly felt your heart beat picking up speed and how heat rushed up to your cheeks. He loves you. He actually loves you. You couldn't believe it.
Not knowing how to respond to it you grabbed him by his stupid jacked and kissed him. It took him some seconds to understand what was happening but it didn't take him long to go fully in to this kiss right after. You two started to melt into each other and only broke apart for filling your lungs with air again.
Forehead on forehead you began to smile.
„I love you too you idiot." you say and with a sweet smile on his face and hope in his eyes he began kissing you again and again and again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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