#9 AHxR : Tearing appart - Hurt/Comfort

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And the next idea is coming from: @MariaSB85NYY
Thank you for submitting it, I hope u'll like it :3
If someone has some ideas; let me know!

He looks down onto the ground while swinging his legs absently. His butt is freezign cold, but he didn't dare to stand up from the ground right now.
His thoughts were screaming at him and his chest felt like imploding every second. His breathing was unsteady and his eyes were burning.
He hated it to cry. He absolutely hated it. He felt so vulnarble and soft, he hated every little thing of it.
But he coulnd't control himself anymore. It's like all the sadness, the anger and the frustration bubbles up the surface at once and hes teird.
He's teird of pretending everything's ok. Cuz it's not. He's definatly not ok. But nobody seems to care about him anyways so why bothering anyone about this.
His train of though got cought up right there by the noise of shuffeling footsteps coming from behind. Normally he would turn around to look who it is, that
Is disturbing his private time, but just now he doesn't want anyone to see him like that, so he pretended to just not hear anything at all in hope the person
Would leave him alone. But the footsteps dind't stop. THey even started to move faster and before he could react someone had placed a hand on his shoulder.
„Alec?" a soft voice asked and the person sat next to Alec on the ground. Alec dind't answer or respond in any way. He just stared into the darkness not wnating to face
The person who was sitting next to him. He knew who it was and he was a little surprised, that she actually followed him.
„What's the matter? Why did you leave so suddenly and- ... wait are you crying?"
„Leave me alone Y/N." Alec just said while wiping his eyes with his right hand.
„No, I'm definately not gonna leave you alone now. What happened?"
„Yea of course. You know Alec, i know we don't know each other that well, but i like you. I know i shouldn't cuz you're an asshole most of the time, but i do.
I like working with you and i think you're a great person, no matter what. And i know something is bothering you, cuz you look bad Alec. I mean not bad like ugly bad, i mean bad like sad, teird and completely exhausted. More than normal. And i just want you to know: i'm here for you to listen. You can talk to me." She said while stroking his arm softly and reassuring. He hated how she was so comforting, how she just always says the right things. And he just could supress the sob that escapet his mouth just a second after. He broke down in tears. Again. The bloody 5th time since he woke up this morning. What is wrong with him?!
And then he felt two arms around his crying form and a head that was softly placed on top of his. He loved her smell. He loved how she stroked his back and he loved how she always knew what to do and say.
He loved her so much it hurted. But right now this feeling was the best he had. The feeling of getting comforted. The feeling that somone cared. The feeling of another body pressed against his, just so he knows she's there.
And then ich moved out of his crying position and went full into this embrace. Hold onto her like she's the only thing that kept him from drowning. That helped him breath normally again.
„Shh... it's okay alec. I'm here. I'll always be here. For you. I love you."
And with that he loosened the embrace, looked her in the eyes. Shocked. But she just smiled softly at him. Then she wiped away his remaning tears on his cheeks, leaned forward and kissed him.
And it was the softest and beauties kiss he had in his entire life. He knew this was the beginning of something special. The beginning of something that could finally heal his so badly destroyed heart. Something that could make him believe again. Just something beautiful. Just like her.

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