Chapter Ten

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⚠️ TW: not super bad, but just in case (violence and some sensitive topics are alluded to)

(If you don't want to read it, then just comment or pm me and i can tell you what happens, or i can post it at the beginning of the next chapter — just let me know)

A tingling. A pang like an alarm bell going off was what caused Ahsoka to slip away from her resting conscience, only to be received with pitch black darkness and disorientation.

Somethings wrong.

But what? And then, in her only semi-conscience state, she felt it.

Something cold sliding against bare skin and she jerked awake in a panic.


She shivered, her skin tingling. It was cold. Where was her cloak?

She tried to sit up from where she had been laying in the corner, but something stopped her, roughly forcing her back down.

Warm breath wet the back of her montrals and Ahsoka realized that the cold thing on her waist was a hand.

Her stomach sinking in a panic, her heart beating a million klicks a minute, she attempted to wretch herself away from whoever was behind her.

A cold, sweaty hand clamped over her mouth as she struggled away in a confused and chaotic nature, her eyes wide in fear and panic, only to be yanked back down again, the cold hand under her shirt seemingly burning her skin the harder it gripped, contrary to its frigid touch.

Her instincts from being battle-ready seemed to be forgotten as the panic and dreariness from just awakening seemingly fought against them in her mind, and it was too late to realize that whoever was behind her was not the only person in the dark room.

What really let her know was the malicious, drunken laughter, and firm, hard hands grabbing her arms just as she finally managed to wrestle herself away from the previous assailant.

What is going on?

It was too dark to see, and the cold, harsh panic was too inundating, suffocating her other senses, taking away the oxygen from her lungs, as if a vacuum had been created, drawing the precious element out, making her light headed.

Her short, quick, panicked gasps were drowned out by slurred speech and drunken laughter, and her limbs felt stiff and numb, as if pins and needles were creating a barrier between her and the corporal world, preventing her from taking action, freezing her in place.

All she knew was hot breath, sweaty, but firm, hands, and the slurring laughter breaking through the ringing in her montrals.

Calm down, Ahsoka.

She forced her panic down, as if swallowing a hard rock, creating an unpleasant lump in her throat, and in turn let the Force flow over her like a comforting blanket.

The familiar feeling warmed her chest, dissolving a block of ice she hadn't even known was weighing her down until it was alleviated.

It calmed her mind, setting the world in slow motion, but only for Ahsoka.

She took a deep breath as the commotion around her became clearer, her senses more perceptive, and she focused on her calming conscience.

Use your instincts, Snips. Focus.

Anakin Skywalkers voice seemed to whisper to her, cutting through the waves of panic and disorientation, and for once, she decided to listen to it without a snippy comment in response.

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