Chapter Twelve

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When Darra walked through the double doors into the kitchen, she did a double-take — partly because of the Togruta that was already working away despite her shift not starting for another five minutes — but mostly it was because of the way she looked.

The back of her lekku was a painful montage of dark blue hues, which could not have been pleasant, and she seemed to be standing a little more stiffly than she had the day before.

Darra narrowed her eyes and carefully made her way over after she had clocked in. After all, she had an extra four minutes before her shift started, and in no way was she eager to begin early like the Togruta.

"What happened to you?"she questioned carefully, her arms crossed. "You hit your head or something?" She half said it as a joke, and half out of curiosity, but she wasn't ready for her teasing humor to drop away in favor of shock.

Ana turned, and Darra stepped back.

"Oh my God."

A look of confusion flitted through the Togrutas eyes at the exclamation, but Darra didn't give it much thought.

"Holy Lord. What in the world?" Darra started forward, and almost on an impulse, brought her fingers up carefully to touch the raw skin of the girls face.

The girl backed away skeptically, her eyes flickering, almost in surprise, to Darras hands — though not in fear or apprehension — just because she knew it would hurt to the touch.

Darra let her fingers drop, but she wasn't quite done with her inspection of her injuries.

"What happened?" She asked again in bewilderment, her eyes roaming the girls face and lekku.

"Nothing. Just... a fight." Ana turned back to the dishes, Darras eyes following her movements.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Darra winced in spite of herself as she watched the steaming water hit the raw and bruised knuckles of the girl. She kept her look of empathetic pain on her face as she watched the girl scrub at the dirty dishes with a rough cloth.

"Oh, no. It feels just great."

Darra raised an eyebrow at the sarcasm, before rolling her eyes. Not one of the 'pitying' type, I guess. "Alright, then," she raised her hands in mock surrender. "Just let me know if you need anything for.... that..." she finished, gesturing awkwardly to the whole of the girl before turning around to get to her own work.

"Thanks," she replied distractedly to Darras turned back.

Darra didn't bother answering as she pushed open the double doors and stepped back into the bustle of the tavern.


Ow. Ow. Ow.

With every scrub and every motion or movement she made, Ahsoka felt like a thousand lightsabers were skewering her.

She tried to ignore it to the best of her ability, but it wasn't exactly easy.

Her sliced palm felt like a mere inconvenience compared to the throbbing and aching and sharp panging of the rest of her body.

She wished she had some bacta to put on her injuries, or maybe some painkillers to alleviate the discomfort, but there wasn't much she could do.

She had scrubbed her skin raw the night before in an attempt to scorch the remnants of the incident from her physical body in hopes she would be able to delete it from her brain if there was no tangible evidence, but she was well aware that it was just wishful thinking.

She shook her head, forcing the rememberance out of her brain with a roll of her eyes.

Just do yourself a favor and stop thinking.

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