Part 2.8

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I was really not feeling well, not just because of the hangover I had thanks to my enthusiastic alcohol consumption but also because I slept terribly.

I kept repeating the moment in my mind with Namjoon. It came so close to a kiss.

I read more "realistic" books and I knew it wasn't uncommon for people to be drawn towards multiple people, but I also knew that wasn't what I needed in this moment.

I thought about Taehyung everyday, somewhere deep inside I wasn't sure if a day could pass for me without at least thinking of him once.

Was that what love felt like?

 I also thought about the situation in which the roles were reversed, him at the other ship slowly getting closer and closer to another girl. The thought alone made me feel anxious and it hurt my heart.

And that fact in itself made me to decide from now on I would stay away from Namjoon.

I think it was fair to admit there is something but it was also fair not to make it into more.

Not tempt myself and especially not giving him hope.


I walked over the deck and Namjoon waved at me with his adorable smile.

I waved back not with a smile and that also turned Namjoons face more severe. In the corner of my eye I however, saw Jungkook


I'll talk to him instead.

I approached him, his head was hanging low like he was looking at something in his hand but his back blocked my vision to see what it actually was what he was holding.

HI' I said in order to scare him and that worked. He jumped up.

Something hit the floor as the little tinkling sound emerged. I looked down and gasped.

Jungkook quickly bent down to pick up the object that fell out of his hands.

-'Jungkook is that a ring'

His ears turned red and he covered them with his hands

-'y/n, it's it's ' he couldn't hide his nervous bunny smile though and I smiled at him

-'it's for Min-ji?' I asked and he nodded

-'if she will have me, when or rather if I make it back to her' 

 -'we will' I replied still so excited about this discovery. My heart filled up as well

-'you know, when Taehyung found out about my betrayal he wanted to kill me, but she threw herself in front of me as a human shield. I think about that everyday.'-'yeah she is one brave human' I replied because it was true, Min-ji was adventurous and never really showed her fears. -'and so smart, and beautiful'' He added -'alright Romeo just keep all these compliments for her when you propose'

I laughed while patting him on the shoulders and Jungkook also smiled nervously  

Taehyung pov

Min-ji ran into my chambers

-' you know where they are?' she asked but with this excitement

-'I do, we are on our way'

The most unexpected thing happened as she hugged me

-'I am so glad'

I stood frozen with both arms hanging on the side

-'I was afraid you didn't care anymore'

I looked at her in astonishment

-'that I didn't care?'

'yeah I mean you didn't say anything about it and it seemed we didn't go anywhere' Min-ji stepped back her voice trembling a bit

I tried to keep my anger inside

-'not care' I repeated but almost like a whisper

-'the girl I love and my best friend are on that ship, I have hardly been able to eat or sleep. The fact I am not crying everyday like you doesn't mean I don't care. You know me my whole life, you know I can't show'

I rattled because it was frustrating sometimes that people simply assumed you didn't care because you didn't show it as explicitly as them.

She put her arms back around me in a hug

-'hey ssh, brother I know I am sorry I didn't mean to, I didn't mean it like that. We will get them back soon' 

y/n pov

After talking to Jungkook I decided to look for Jimin, to check how he was doing.

Suddenly my way was blocked by Namjoon

-'everything okay y/n?' he asked me

-'uh yes I was just looking for Jimin' I replied

I tried to walk pass him but he grabbed my arm

-'let's just continue as we were, yesterday didn't change that'

I looked at him and I saw he was upset but also frustrated

-'it did, I am not behaving fairly towards you neither towards taehyung'

At hearing Taehyungs name Namjoon flinched a little. 

-'you don't even know if you will see him again' Namjoon blurted out and I felt a sting in my heart

-'oh because I might be killed by Yoongi?'

-'no of course not, but maybe your trust in him to come for you is misplaced'

-'you don't even know him'

-'do you though, like really?' he asked and I sighed because I didn't have a really good reply to be honest.

-'this conversation is over Namjoon'

He let go of my arm and I turned around and walked away, shaken up by the encounter.  

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