Darcy Baxter | Perlia (M)

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything besides the OC's! The rest belongs to Rick Riordan
No Mist
Word Count: 573

Hey, I'm Darcy Baxter. I have black shoulder length hair and bright blue eye contacts to hide my normal, ugly brown eyes. (I don't find brown eyes ugly, I have them myself) The main reason for the contacts and hair choices are because of my crush. He says his girlfriend has electric blue eyes and short black hair so that's what I did! I hope that means he actually likes me. Ahh. His name is Percy Jackson. He has gorgeous messy black hair and beautiful swirling sea green eyes. Not to mention an 8-pack and lean swimmers body. Also, the Greek gods exist! Yeah! It's quite strange. Apparently they have children called demigods. I personally don't like them, I think they just want to prove they're better than mortals. Anyways, right now my other friend, Mason Hicks, and I are at Percy's apartment playing never have I ever with some of his other friends. We all gathered in a circle on his bedroom floor.

"Introduce yourselves," Percy said. There was a blonde girl with gray eyes, a brunette girl with kaleidoscope eyes and a black haired girl with blue eyes.

"I'm Annabeth," the blonde girl said.

"Piper," the brunette.

"Thalia," the blue eyed girl.

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Darcy," I introduced.

"And I'm Mason," he said.

"great! Thals you got the stuff?" Piper asked.

"You know it," Thalia replied, pulling a bottle of whiskey out from under Percy's bed with some shot glasses.

"How did I not know that was under there?" Percy asked.

"There's a lot under there you don't know about, Perce, for example I'm pretty sure you're entire sock drawer is dumped out in there with your Nemo shirt collection," Thalia replied and poured whiskey into each glass, passing one to each person.

"How this goes is if you have done whatever someone asks, you take a shot," Thalia explained. We all nodded and decided Annabeth would go first.

"Never have I ever...gotten blackout drunk," she asked. I looked around. Thalia and Piper both took a shot.

Piper went next. Smirking, she said, "never have I blown up a vehicle on accident,"

Percy and Annabeth groaned while taking a shot. I was extremely concerned but let my suspicions pass. The questions went around like that and they were fairly simple. Then it was Piper's turn again.

"Never have I ever had sex in a strange place," she asked. I glanced around again. What made me extremely confused was to see Thalia drinking straight from the bottle then handing it to Percy, he took a sip. My eyes widened and my jaw clenched.

"OUUUU I KNEW IT!" Piper squealed.

"OH MY GODS YOU FREAKS!" Annabeth yelled.

"She's needy what can I say," Percy responded with no shame. Thalia's face burned bright red. She buried her face in his shoulder after repeatedly punching it.

"Okay! Next one! Darcy, you go" Annabeth said.

"Umm never have I ever...fought a monster," I said, sure none of them would sip. What surprised me was that Percy, Thalia, Annabeth and Piper took a drink.

"You have?" Mason asked.

"Yeah. Obviously. It's our entire life," Piper said in a 'duh' tone.

"Y-you're d-demifreaks!" I yelled, standing up, "YOU SHOULD BE LOCKED UP!"

All of their eyes turned cold and they had glares adjusted at me.

"My family and I are not freaks. Leave," Percy demanded, his voice dark and cold. I turned around and stomped out.

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