Destiny TaengSic

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Destiny Prologue

Taeyeon hurriedly slipped through the doors of the stairwell. She shut the door firmly and stood with her back pressed tightly against the cold concrete walls. The sharp cold was penetrating her drenched clothing, but she held her position. It was important that she avoided detection.

After two seconds, she heard wet footsteps patter by, positive that it belonged to her pursuer. These were footsteps she would never forget, they were burnt into her memory

Taeyeon stood with bated breath as her pursuer ran by. Her heart was pounding violently against her rib cage.

After she was certain that her pursuer had left, she slid to the ground, leaving a wet trail against the concrete wall.

She pulled her knees inwards and clutched them tightly against her chest. Her entire body was trembling.

Nothing could keep the cold out.

Destiny Chapter 1 [31st December 2009]

It was the last day of the year 2009, many people were out enjoying themselves and waiting to welcome the first day of the solar year 2010. The streets were filled with groups of friends, couples, and families.

Taeyeon walked the streets in the night market, the smell of delicious food wafting through the air caused her mouth to water. Despite the great temptations the food posed, she maintained her focus.

She walked the streets, awaiting the right moment for the perfect photograph.

After a long time in the cold, the moment finally came. She lifted the camera hanging around her neck and took a photo. She checked her camera display to ensure that she had gotten the perfect shot. Indeed, she did.

She kept her camera away and rewarded herself with a nice warm serve of Spicy rice cakes. It was finally time to relax now that she had achieved what she came out to do.

She looked at the watch sitting on her wrist, the time read five minutes to nine. She smiled, pleased that she still had time to spare.

Taeyeon took her phone out and started dialling. The phone rang for a long time before someone picked up, "Hello, are you done already?" said the female voice on the other end.

"Yes I am! We can hang out now!" said Taeyeon cheerfully.

"Great. Where would you like to go?" asked the voice on the other end.

"Shall we meet at the coffeehouse near your place? I am certain you would take quite A WHILE to get ready," sniggered Taeyeon as she completed her sentence.

"Indeed, since I did not expect you to be done so soon. You know what? I actually thought I would NEVER get to see you until next year you workaholic," the voice replied sarcastically.

"Well I guess I'll be the last person you see this year and the first person you see next year. You sure are lucky." Taeyeon continued.

"Well same to you. Alright I had better get going or else you would really have to spend the new year alone. I'm sure you wouldn't want that. Bye now," said the girl. With that, the conversation between the both of them ended.

Taeyeon made her way to the underground parking lot that held her scooter. Once she arrived beside her black scooter, she kept her camera bag securely in the compartment that was attached to the back; her camera was an essential item in her day to day life.

She pulled on her extra coat and her gloves before heading off. Traffic was fairly decent, but due to the icy weather, Taeyeon only got to the cafe in forty five minutes. She took her time to park her scooter as she was quite certain that she would be the first one to arrive.

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