chap 16 - 20

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DESTINY CHAPTER 16 [27th March 2010]

Taeyeon woke up and realised that Soo-yeon was no longer laying in bed beside her.

Taeyeon looked at the digital clock on the bedside table, it was only 7.35am.

She got up and looked around the suite, but Soo-yeon was no where to be found.

She recalled that she had her arm around Soo-yeon the night before and she regretted doing that. It worried her that Soo-yeon may have formulated certain ideas based on Taeyeon’s actions.

Taeyeon made a mental note not to be so impulsive anymore.

She got up and proceeded to ready herself for the day. Whilst Taeyeon was brushing her teeth in the bathroom, she realised that Soo-yeon had already packed. The toiletries and make-up that were once sitting on the counter top were no longer there.

After she was done, she too packed up and checked to make sure that she had not left anything behind.

It was already twenty minutes since she woke up, but Soo-yeon was still no where to be seen.

Everyone was supposed to gather at the lobby at 9.00am before they all headed to Rotorua, and there was no reason for Soo-yeon to be up so early.

Taeyeon decided to go to the balcony and enjoy the fresh morning air. She leaned against the railing and looked out towards the sea. The calm water and the ocean breeze relaxed her.

Taeyeon watched as boats sailed by and people walked the docks.

It was quite early in the morning but there were a decent number of people out at sea. It was probably due to the bright morning sun and the perfect wind conditions.

Taeyeon, being a curious individual that she was, enjoyed watching people and their behaviour.

She scanned through the people on the dock and saw young people preparing to go out on their sail boats. There were also a few couples taking a nice morning stroll along the wooden deck.

Taeyeon’s mind started to wander and she felt envious of the couples. She felt slightly dejected when she thought of her own situation.

Just as she thought that, her eyes landed on an individual who was seated alone.

I guess that’s what I’m going to be, alone.

It took her awhile before she found the figure vaguely familiar. Taeyeon strained her eyes to get a better look and she was quite sure that the petite figure sitting on a bench was Soo-yeon.

So that’s where she is.

Taeyeon went back into the room and removed the camera from its bag. She took a long range lens and fitted it onto the camera body.

She aimed the camera at what seemed like Soo-yeon and focused. Soo-yeon’s beautiful features appeared on the screen. It brought an instant smile to Taeyeon’s face.

It did not take Taeyeon long to realise that Soo-yeon wore a slightly troubled frown on her beautiful face. It was evident that something was bothering her, and that bothered Taeyeon.

Instead of putting the camera away, Taeyeon stood with the camera pointed at Soo-yeon throughout.

The troubled frown never quite left her face and that itself led to a crease forming on Taeyeon’s forehead.

Taeyeon was not so much worried or troubled. She was more curious and puzzled.

Taeyeon wanted to know what exactly it was that troubled Soo-yeon and she started thinking of the possibilities.

Destiny TaengSicNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ