17. They've seen you with Taylor.

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Harry's P.o.V

Summer is still asleep. She looks so beautiful when she sleeps. She snorers softly and mumbles my name a few times. I smile and kiss her softly on her lips. "Summie, I am going to work." I whisper in her ear. She nods and snuggles into her sheets. I climb out of bed and walk toward the corner of her room where my suitcase is. I open it, grab a sweater and some jeans and close it again. I get dressed, put on my beanie and walk down stairs. Anthony is in the kitchen drinking coffee. "Hey Harry." He says when he sees me. "Hey Anthony. Do you mind if I borrow Summer's car? I have a appointement with Ed Sheeran." I say and smile. "Sure, but if she discovers one scratch you'll be a dead man." Anthony says smirking and he throws me the carkeys. "Thanks man." I say and walk towards the garage. I open he car, sit down and start the engine. The garagedoor opens automatically and I drive away. I drive to the starbucks and stop the car.

When I get out I see the familiar blonde ponytail of Taylor Swift. "Hey Tay!" I say and hug her. "Hey Hazz! Long time no see." She says and smiles. "I know." I say and smile back. "How's your girlfriend doing? Summer right?" She asks. "Yes, she's fine." I say and smile. "Does she know about us?" Taylor asks and raises an eyebrow. "No, ofcourse not. She'll get suspscious when I disappear out of nothing. But the boys and Summer's best friends cover me." I say and smile. "Good, because I don't want Summer to find this out. I mean when she discovers it she'll be pissed off." Taylor says. "She'll probably hunt you down and let some of her scary friends rape you." I say and I shrug. Taylor's face turns white. "Thank you for make me taking this risk. But when we finish and show the result Summer will be happy." Taylor says. "Maybe they'll kill you. Or at leat threat you." I say smirking. "Harold! Stop it! I am scared!" Taylor squeals and slaps me playfully on my arms. "Let's get some coffee then we'll start brainstorming." I say. Taylor and I walk into the starbucks.

"Hey, can I two coffees?" I ask the girl behind the counter. "Harry Styles hm? Aren't you dating Summer?" She asks and raises on eyebrow. "You must be Amanda. Summer told me about you. I am planning a surprise for Summer. Taylor helps me. Just don't tell anyone! I am not cheating on Summer with Taylor, but Tay is a good songwriter so uhm.. She helps me with writing a song for Summer." I say blushing. Amanda squeals and hugs me from behind the counter. "You are so sweet. Summer is so lucky to have a great boyfriend like you!" Amanda says smiling. "Thanks. I am blessed with a girlfriend like Summer." I say and smile. "I'll get your coffee now." She says smiling widely. After 5 minutes Amanda finally hands me two coffees. "Thanks." I say and pay. I walk to our table and hand Taylor her coffee. "Thank you Harry." She says politely.

"So, what is Summer like?" Taylor asks and she opens her laptop. "Well, Summer is so sweet and lovely. She is beautiful and amazing, everything about her just makes me want to kiss her. Her giggles, her smile, her eyes, her voice, it all is so perfect to me. The way that Summer makes my heart pounds miles a hour is just wonderful. She is very protective over her family and friends and me ofcourse. But then there is the insecure Summer, who thinks she isn't good enough or she thinks I'll leave her for another girl. I hate it to see her cry. But she stays strong no matter what, Summer is my universe, my inspiration, my muse, Summer is my first real love." I say and blush a little. "Aw, that is so sweet!"  Taylor says and starts typing immediately. I smile and take a sip of my coffee.

"What a coincedence that I see you here, with someone else than Summer." A familiar voice says. Luciano, what is wrong with that guy. Seriously, it seems like he stalks me and Summer all the time. "Hello Luciano, can I help you with something?" I ask. "Yes, stay away from my girlfriend." He says and grabs my collar. "She is my girlfriend, thought that was clear." I say and push him away. "You stole her from me, I loved her first." He hisses. "You loved her? You threated her the firs time I saw you. What is wrong with you?" I state. "A woman needs to obey her man. Summer didn't obey me." He says. "Luciano! This is the 21st century! Women have their own rights! Summer never deserved to be treated like that, especially not by you!" I say. "As if she loves you! She only uses you for you money pretty boy. Once you are out of the picture she'll be back with me in no time." he says mocking. "You wish, Summer is mine and I'll do everything to keep her. Don't think I am afraid of you." I snort and near my eyes at him. He laughs. "Too bad for you." He says before he bashes me, again. And again everything is black.


I open my eyes and I see someone's back turned at me. It's Summer. "Summie." I say and smile. She doens't react. "Summer?" I ask concerned. "I knew you were with Taylor." She chokes out. I sit up straight and notice I am in her room, laying on her bed. "Summer, I have to.." "Just leave. Take the boys with. I don't want to see you any more. I guess I was wrong about you." She whispers. "But.." "I've waisted your time. I am sorry. It was to good to be true." She says and stands up. She turns her head towards me. "I am not worth your time Harry. I am sorry my dad kidnapped you, I am sorry I stood in your way when you clearly wanted to date Taylor, I am sorry for everything I said and everything I did." She says. Her eyes are red and puffy, she looks tired and her eyes are dull instead of shiny. I feel tears welling up in my eyes. Summer leaves the room and closes the door.

"Harry?" A small voice asks from behind the door. "Hey Addie. Come in." I say bearely hearable. She walks in and sits down next to me. Her leg is bonded. "Why were you with Taylor?" She asks. Typical Addie, straight to the point. "It was for Summer. She helped me with writing a song." I say. "You promised Summer the song.. Almost forgot that." Addie mumbles. "She hate me. I know there were rumors about me and Taylor, but we are friends. Nothing more, nothing less. Taylor is my friend. Management won't allow us to date, I don't even want to date her! How could I be so stupid! I hate myself!" I groan and feel tears stream down my face. "Don't cry, I hate crying people. It makes me want to cry.." Addison says sobbing. I hug her. "Addie, I hate myself for being such an arse for hurting Summer. If I never kissed Summer, her heart wouldn't be broken. She is so... Irresistible." I say and close my eyes. "Don't let Taylor write the song. Write it yourself. Write what you feel, what your heart says, what you think when you think about Summer." Addison says and smiles. I give her a weak smile in return. "Addie, you're an angel. But I think it's time for me and the boys to leave. You can visit us anytime. But I won't talk to anyone, or leave the studio till I wrote Summer a song." I say. Addison hugs me and walks away. "Goodluck Harry, I'll miss you." Addison says and smiles before she leaves.


Summer and Harry broke up.

I can't guarantee you they'll get back together.


I am sorry.


Comment what you think!

Should Summer and Harry get back together?

Or do you want Harry to date another guurrl?





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