Chapter 14- Return to the Isle

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Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos were coming to the Isle to collect the next round of kids. Eventually, they planned to take every kid away from this toxic place. For now, it was the kids that sent in the applications. Mostly the younger kids around Dizzy's age.

I hid in the shadows, almost disguising myself with the darkness. I looked up at Mal.

"Who wants to go? You?" Mal said, pointing at the audience.

"I can't believe this day has finally arrived!" Evie exclaimed.

The crowd cheered enthusiastically. "I honestly wish we could take you all with us. And someday, very soon, maybe we can."

"Yeah, we're going to be back here so many times, you're going to be so sick of us," Mal agreed jokingly.

"Can I get a drum roll, please?" Evie asked.

"First, I would like to begin with the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, daughter of Drizella. My sweet sister. My Dizzy," Evie said, pointing at the girl.

Dizzy squealed in excitement. She ran up to join Mal and Evie.

"And next, the son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky!" Carlos announced.

"And no way we're splitting up the twins, so get over here, Squirmy, come on!" Jay shouted.

"We all picked this girl because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class. Give it on up for Doctor Facilier's daughter, Celia!" Mal announced.

The four stood on the balcony with the kids. I smiled. They were getting a chance.

"We'll be back for you guys next week," Carlos explained.

"So, pack your stuff. Your own stuff," Jay added.

"Where are we going?" Mal and Evie asked.

"We're going to-"


I ran up the side, smiling as my black combat boots left no noise in my wake. Mal grinned at the last second when she saw me jump on Jay's back. Carlos jumped back as Evie and Mal laughed, then Carlos smiled. Jay supported my legs for a moment until I pushed my legs to get down.

Evie pulled me into a hug. "We missed you so much!"

"I surprisingly missed you too," I admitted.

It was true. After having one fun night with the four, it was like all my emotions about them came back that weren't bad. The sibling-like bond I had with Carlos. Evie was my ride or die, always helping me with makeup and actually helped me find my flaming style. And Jay, the first friend of Mal's I met.

"You've grown up a lot," Mal noticed.

I twirled. "It helps when you need to. The crew wouldn't know what to do with themselves if I didn't tell them."

"Ready to come to Auradon yet?" Jay asked.

I snorted. "Like I'd want to leave my home. Speaking of which, ready to come back?"

Mal smiled. "Not a chance."

I shrugged, smiling. "Thought so. I hate you."

"We love you too, (Y/n)!" Jay called as I ran down the stairs.

Harry was waiting for me on the other side of the tunnel. I smiled and kissed his cheek. He wrapped his arm around me as we walked. I stared into his eyes for a moment, then looked down to hide my blush. Harry chuckled and unwrapped his arm, holding my hand instead.

Harry freaking Hook.

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