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Taeyong and Mark both woke up to their alarms

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Taeyong and Mark both woke up to their alarms. Taeyong groans then yawns as he went to open the door to start breakfast.

Today, Taeyong is supposed to take Mark with with him to school, just to show him around and let him get used to things. And Mark is already a student there and has a valid pass to be on school grounds as long as he doesn't disturb classes and others.

Mark got up from his bed and went to the washroom to take a shower and brush his teeth.

"Mark! Are you awake?" Taeyong yells from the kitchen.

"If I wasn't, I surely am now..." Mark says back, earning an awkward laugh from Taeyong.

At that moment, Taeyong received a call, "Good morning, this is Taeyong..."

"Hurry up, hyung. Lucas and I are already at your building front doors. The security is staring at us with a weird look... We may get jumped." It was Doyoung. They all planned to be with Mark, but they're sort of ahead of time...

"You guys go first. Mark and I just woke up. We'll meet you at the south doors." Then they hung up.

"Mark! We'll just have breakfast on the way, at the cafe."

"OK, hyung!"


Taeyong realizes that Mark had been in the washroom for quite some time. He went over and knocked on the door. "Mark? You OK?"

No response. Without hesitation, Taeyong opened the door, it wasn't locked. Mark was sitting on the toilet with the cap down, staring at the wall. His hair was wet from the shower and he has a towel on.

"Mark...? What are you doing...?" Taeyong didn't know if what Mark is doing was... supposed to happen.

"I... I've accidentally used your toothbrush," Mark finally said with a monotone voice.

Taeyong made a face, knowing how disgusting it was. But he didn't answer, since he didn't know how to or if he should.

"Um... Let's just get changed then let's leave. You can... use the mouthwash?" Mark slowly stood up and coughed.

Taeyong left the washroom after the weird and uncomfortable encounter. "To do list, I need a new toothbrush..."


"Hyung, is this where you go everyday?" Mark asks with glimmering eyes.

"Yes! I love this place. It's never cold nor burning hot. The aesthetic of the whole place is just so cozy," Taeyong answers, dragging Mark to continue walking.

Change of P.O.V.: Jung Yunoh

He came with someone today, another boy. Where is he finding all of these pretty boys? Taeyong seems even more comfortable with this one than the one before. Before I knew it, he was standing infront of me.

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