VI. Helping Hand

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"So, how goes the training?", Marcus asked.

"Fine, I guess", Marnie replied tepidly.

"Well that didn't sound very convincing", he remarked. "You're not nervous, are you?"

She looked at him with serious eyes. "Wouldn't you be if you were in my shoes?"

The two were talking to one another over video phone-booths, with Marnie calling from the Pokemon Center in Spikemuth and Marcus calling from the Pokemon Center in downtown Wyndon. The two had not seen one another since their meeting with Aster three days prior, due to Marnie being so focused on her training and Marcus being preoccupied with taking on Gym Challengers for the Pokemon League.

"I'm sorry I can't be there to help, Marnie", Marcus said remorsefully.

She shook her head. "Marcus, you've got nothin' to be sorry for", she replied reassuringly. "You've already done so much more than I could've asked of anyone, it's only thanks to you that I got this chance to begin with." She managed a faint smile. "Besides... Champion's work's never done, right?"

Marcus sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "They've got me booked just about every day this week, I've barely even got time to sleep", he said with a groan. "Honestly, it kinda feels like they're doing it on purpose... like they're intentionally trying to keep me from being able to help you."

Marnie gave a light nod of agreement. "Yeah, I've been thinkin' the same thing", she shrugged. "But y'know, it kinda makes sense."

Marcus raised a curious brow.

"They wanna see what Spikemuth's capable of n' all", she began, "so my fight's gotta be all me, y'know? I can't be usin' strategies and tactics the champ came up with, that's not good representation, or whatever."

"I guess that's one way to look at it", Marcus replied with a smile. "Speaking of representation-"

"Yeah, still trying to figure that one out", Marnie interrupted.

"C'mon, I know you've caught more than just the five Pokemon you usually use", Marcus said.

"Well, no dip", Marnie answered back, moving her arms outward and to the sides in an opening gesture with her hands facing upwards. "It ain't about havin' a sixth, I got plenty of Pokemon waitin' to throw hands for me and all. But the five I've got with me have been battlin' alongside me since the beginning. If I'm gonna add the sixth, it's gotta be someone that jives with the others, y'know?" She scratched her head. "And on top of that, it's gotta be someone who'll play in well with the strategy I'm tryin' to work with... Weston's a bug-type trainer, and a tough one at that, from what I've gathered."

Marcus nodded. "There's also the fact that your popularity as a trainer in the League is kinda being used against you now... Weston has access to resources he can use to learn about your battling styles and team lineups."

"I know", Marnie replied, a slightly unnerved expression on her face as she glanced away from the video-call monitor. "I'm operatin' at a pretty big disadvantage here, so everything I do to prepare has to be full-proof."

Marcus smiled. "Well you're in luck", he said. "I've been giving this some thought myself lately, and I think I've got an idea."

Marnie turned back to the monitor with her full attention. As crazy as most of Marcus's ideas had been over the past few weeks, she had come to realize the positive results they tended to yield. "Whatcha got?"

"Well, as you know", he began, "I've got a bunch of Pokemon living back at home with my mom, some of which I thought might have the potential to mesh well with your team and battling style."

"What?", Marnie chimed. "Marcus, no, I can't be borrowin' the champion's battle-hardened Pokemon for this battle. Everyone knows the tells of your trainin' style, they'd catch on right away." She looked away from the monitor again. "Besides, it would defeat the whole purpose of this battle in the first place. If I'm gonna do this, it's gotta be with my strength."

"What if I told you that this one wasn't battle-hardened?", Marcus inquired. "What if they hadn't been trained by me for battle? What if you did it yourself?"

Marnie returned her gaze to Marcus, her interest now piqued. "You talkin' like a trade?", she asked.

Marcus smirked. "Think of it more like a mutual friend of our's stepping up to do a favor."

Her brow raised. "You got someone in mind, then?"

Marcus nodded as he brought a Pokeball in his hand into the frame of the video. "I think she'll be the perfect helping hand for you."

Marnie's eyes went wide in surprise. "Wait, her!? I can't make her battle, not after everythin' she's-"

"She insisted on it herself", Marcus interjected. "I told her about everything that's been going on, and she didn't hesitate to volunteer." He smiled. "I think she really took a liking to you that night in the Weald."

Marnie was stunned. "You're serious? She wants to battle?"

"I was pretty amazed myself", Marcus replied. "But it's not that she wants to battle, Marnie - she wants to battle for you."

Marnie could hardly believe what she was hearing. The outpouring of support towards her never ceased to surprise and amaze her. She gave a humble nod in agreement. "I'll be sure to take really good care of her", she exclaimed.

"I know", Marcus nodded with a gentle smile. "I'm sending her your way now."

He placed the Pokeball on the trading platform to his left. Beams of electricity began to dematerialize the ball, converting it into energy and sending it into a small funnel above. Almost as soon as it had left Marcus's possession, the same Pokeball began to materialize at the trading platform next to Marnie, converting it from energy into solid matter before her eyes.

She looked at the ball with uncertainty as it now sat before her. "...You sure 'bout this, Marcus?"

"She's made up her mind, Marnie", Marcus replied with a grin, "you're not gonna change it now."

She nodded in timid agreement, taking the ball into her hand. As she held it, she couldn't help but smile. In her time of need, her friends were coming to her side to do everything they could to help her. She felt fortunate to have people and Pokemon like them in her life.

She smiled at the monitor. "Thanks, Marcus."

Marcus smiled back. "You've got this, Marnie", he said with a wave. "I'm looking forward to seeing you beat that creep hollow."

With that, the call ended, leaving Marnie alone in the Pokemon center, her new sixth team member in hand. She looked at the ball again with a determined grin.

Alright... time to get to work.

AN: For context to which Pokemon Marcus is eluding to, please go back and read Umbra, I promise you won't regret it! :)

My Name is Marcus: Dark TimesWhere stories live. Discover now