VIII. Infestation - Ectobius Rex

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Obreetle chimed loudly as it floated above the ground, it's compound eyes locked onto the snarling Liepard. The battle between Marnie and Weston was underway, and the air and energy within Wyndon Stadium was ripe with tension as everyone awaited the first move with eager anticipation.

"Liepard's a good choice", Hop remarked with a grin. "Seeing as she's immune to Orbeetle's psychic type moves, she should be able to make quick work of this!"

Team Yell wasted no time jumping into fits of rambunctious cheering. "Yeah, Marnie! Show those bugs who's boss!"

"Don't be so sure, Hop", Marcus replied.

Hop met his friend's commentary with confused expression.

"Take a look at Weston's face", Marcus continued.

Weston awaited the first move, a very confident grin plastered on his face.

"That doesn't look like the face of someone who's facing a disadvantage", Marcus remarked. "There's no mistake - Orbeetle's out here for a reason, and I think we're about to find out what it is."

"Well?", Weston called out to Marnie. "Do you intend to keep us waiting all day? Or are you coming to your senses and contemplating the benefits of an early-surrender?"

Marnie glared. "Not a chance, you prat", she growled. "Liepard, use Fake-Out!"

Answering her trainer's call, Liepard lunged forward at blinding speed, preparing to strike her opponent.

"I thought so..." Weston grinned. "Orbeetle, Protect!"

Orbeetle quickly projected a barrier of green light between itself and the charging Liepard. The barrier deflected the momentum of the oncoming attack, sending Liepard backwards into the air. Liepard managed a quick backflip in mid-air, allowing her to land on her feet.

Marnie scowled, her signature opening-attack having failed.

"Huh!?", Hop shouted in surprise. "Their reaction to Marnie's attack was so quick, it's like Weston knew it was coming or something!"

Marcus nodded, a focused look on his face. I'm willing to wager it's because he did, he thought to himself.

"Let's bounce back, Liepard", Marnie shouted. "Use Nasty Plot!"

Liepard began to focus inward, a sinister look in her eyes.

"Hey, that move...", Hop started.

"Mhm", Marcus continued. "It raises the user's special attack dramatically."

"Marn lost control of the momentum of the battle she usually tries to get early on in her matches", Piers remarked. "She must be tryin' to finish this battle in one shot."

"Lightscreen, Orbeetle", Weston called.

A prism of light energy began to envelop Orbeetle as Weston delivered his command.

This could be trouble, Marcus thought.

"Snarl, let's go", Marnie commanded.

Liepard rooted herself onto the ground as she arched forward, letting loose a vicious snarl that emanated dark energy.

Weston grinned. "U-Turn."

Orbeetle charged forward, straight into the dark energy of Liepard's Snarl. As soon as the energy made contact, the protective barrier of Light Screen became visible again, protecting it from a great deal of the attack and allowing it to charge through, landing its own super-effective strike. Liepard recoiled backwards as Orbeetle struck her with his body before returning to his Pokeball at Weston's side.

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