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After Ashley the bird left a girl came up to me. "At least somebody put her in her place she can be a bitch at times."I scoffed  "it seems like she's a bitch all the time!" The girl smiled and nodded her head in agreement.

"So who are you with?" I pointed at Micah "never heard or seen him a day in my life." I chuckled little Micah wasn't important like he said he was. "What about you?" She had pointed to a middle aged women who was beautiful in her own way.

"That's my Mother she's a bitch to other  people so I'm not going to introduce you to her." I laughed well that was a good thing.

She smiled with me "you wanna get outta here?"

She was wearing a pant suit and her hair was in a low bun. She definitely wasn't a kidnapper. I looked back to see Micah talking to a businessman, it's nothing here for me anyways.

I smirked and looked back at the girl. "Let's go!" We both ran out the party happy. "There's a club right down the street called Scandal my brother owns it he's never there, You wanna go?" I nodded my head. We laughed and walked to the club.

The walk wasn't long it was actually really short. "Hey, I didn't get your name!"

"Oh right my bad girl my name Mercedes!" I smiled and told her my name. I thought we had to wait in line for the club but she brung me right to the front. "Honey we don't stand in lines!"

"Welcome Back Ms.Milani enjoy your time." The guard said. My eyes widen did I just get into a club without even showing my I.D! Okay I'm officially LIT!

Mercedes grabbed my arm and pulled me into the club. We went straight to the bar. "Give us some shots!" At the moment I really needed a drink, I'm surprised I didn't start drinking the day I got kicked out.

"Put it on my brothers tab! He won't mind!" The bartender nodded his head and gave Mercedes a flirty smirk.

I picked up a shot "CHEERS!" We both said downing the dark drink.

"Keep em coming Mike!" After about 10 shots that we both took, Mercedes and I was on the dance floor dancing to Better By Khalid.

"Nothing Feels Better Than This!!!"  We yelled to the music, Mercedes handed me a yellow pill. I took it gracefully we stumbled back to the bar and got another drink from the bartender.

"Cheers!" We said drowning the pill and Drink down our throat! We both ran back to the dance floor to finish off the song, suddenly everything was in slow motion for me. I was in love with it, it was like I was in space floating to the stars.

All of my worries was no longer, I was free. "Oh my gosh this is amazing!" Mercedes nodded her head she pulled her hair out the bun her curls fell we both giggled at the way her curls fell in slow motion.

"You're really pretty!" She yelled getting closer to me. "Thank you so are you!" I smiled, next thing you know we are fully making out! I didn't care she was kissing me and that I was kissing her back.

We both pulled away at the same time. She giggled "I'm not into girls but that was hot!" I giggled "Me either! Wanna be my girlfriend!?" I said shyly

"Total!" We laughed and jumped up and down to the music the DJ was playing. We stayed on the dance floor for hours. Not even noticing the sun was coming up, I was still in space enjoying my life.

"Ms.Milani you have to go! We are closing up!" Said the bartender. Mercedes and I was laying on the dance floor looking out of the big skylight. "Oh look there's a shooting star!" I yelling looking out the skylight.

"Where!" I laughed "it's gone now idiot."

"Wow the stars are so Bright!" I nodded my head in agreement "totally! Look it's a elephant in the stars!"

"Ari that's not a elephant it's a big cock!" I started laughing really hard I didn't hear Mercedes laughing with me so I turned and looked to see she was a sleep. I closed my eyes also and went to sleep on the empty club floor.
The bartender and guard looked at the two girls who was half naked on the dance floor asleep.

"You're going to have to call him Mike." Said the guard 

"He said don't bother him it's 6 in the morning." The guard shook his head and took out his phone after calling his boss for the second time he answered.

"Uhh boss we have a problem at the club. Your sister and friend is laid out on the dance floor asleep, what should we do?" Sliver jumped out of bed and responded to his guard "leave them there I'm on the way." He hung up before the guard could say another word.

His little sister was going to be the death of him if he wasn't working he was getting her out of trouble.

After leaving his home it took him 30 minutes most to get the club. He quickly parked and got out the car. His guard Jimmy was already standing outside waiting for his arrival.

"Sir." Jimmy said greeting him. "What time did she come into here?"

"Around 10pm sir." Sliver nodded his head walking into the door. "Did she take any drugs?" Sliver said looking at Mike. "I believe her and her friend took two, it looked like they took the drug stardom it's a new drug everyone been talking about this pass 3 months."

"Friend name?"

"Ari, Mercedes said her name was Ari." Sliver nodded his head and looked at both girls who was hugging each other in their sleep. Sliver sighed and shook his head in annoyance.

"Take them both to the car." Both workers picked up the girls and made their way to Sliver sports car.

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