you'd change my life, for the better.

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Sean's POV:
Felix wanted me to post something on my Twitter taking a break, but it's easier said then done. The thing is most people WILL support me, but then there's also going to be a group of people who're going to ask questions and I can't handle that right now. " what do I do if everyone keeps asking why I'm taking a break?" I asked Felix, in a worried tone. " You don't owe anyone an explanation. They are your fans yes, but if they truly support you then they're going to accept it, and still be there for you when you come back. It doesn't matter how big of a YouTuber you are, the fact is that you are still a human and you need to take care yourself now."

I thought about what he said, and I was so worried about this, people were already wondering why I didn't post yesterday and it made me really anxious. " Felix... can you post something on your Twitter saying I can't post because I'm focusing on myself and I'm too stressed to handle any type of social media at the moment?", I asked him. " You said it." He said. "What did I say? I'm confused", I had no idea what he was talking  about. " You admitted you're struggling! I'm so proud of you Sean!" Felix said enthusiastically.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled my in for a hug. " Oh yeah I guess I did, thank you." I said. He pulled out of the hug and lightly grabbed my wrist and touched my wrist lightly, through my sleeve. " Jack... can you please roll up your sleeves?" He and cautiously. I wasn't surprised he asked me, I knew he'd see them at some point. But I got so anxious the second he asked. What if he was disgusted? Thought I was a freak? What if h-he stopped caring...

" P-please don't make m-me do this" I choked out through my sobs. " Sean, I want to see them because I need to make sure they aren't infected, I'm hella worried about you buddy."
He said as he cupped my face in his hands, whenever he touches me with affection, I melt. So I reluctantly rolled up my sleeves, revealing my scars, some old, others not so much. The second he saw them his eyes filled with tears. " I'm s-sorry Felix." I said anxiously. " How could someone so perfect hurt themselves, so, so much." He said breathing heavily. " please Sean, please tell me if you feel like hurting yourself again. I need to protect you from hurting yourself." He said in a serious tone.

" why?" I truly didn't understand why he wanted to help me, all my damn life, no one had ever been there for me. I made it out all on my own, so why him.  he held my hands in his palms and brought them up to his lips and softly kissed them. God, that made me feel so happy. " Because I don't have anything if you're gone."

That caught me extremely off guard , but that brought tears to my eyes. " thank you so much". " of course Jack, your cuts look clean for now, I'm going to check up on them tommorow again okay?" He asked. " alright", I said hesitantly. "Anyways I have to ask you something.", he said mysteriously. " what is it?" I asked curiously. " Would you like to temporarily move in with me? Because I'd feel a less anxious knowing you're here with me."

I pondered what he said, and to be honest I was filled with joy the second he said that, it filled me with so much happiness, and respect for him. " Thank you for saying something like that, no one ever would. I would like that." I said with a weak smile. " alright! Just a heads up, I'm taking you somewhere tomorrow. You can't ask where, it's a surprise." He said mischievously.

" okay I'm down for that, can I take a shower please? I feel disgusting." I asked shyly. " oh yeah! Here, take my hoodie and I'll get you some of my sweats later." He said taking his hoodie off, and handing it to me. He had a shirt on underneath but it was so exhilarating watching him take that off... God he was attractive.

" thank you, before I go take a shower, I want to say thank you for caring about my existence." I said." Of course Sean, anything for a buddy like you" he said smiling" He wrapped his arms around me and whispered into me ear,

" the day I gave you that shoutout, I knew you'd change my life, for the better."

Hi everyone! I wanna say that I'm sorry if this part isn't very good ( or the entire story itself) but I'm trying my best I swear. I do appreciate you all so much. Thank you and see you in the next part lovelies ✨

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