the colors of you

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Felix's POV

Blue for trust

Green for growth

Red for love

The threads intertwined, creating a bracelet. A promise bracelet perhaps.

That we'd never leave each other, we were each other's halves, that we had trying love

I never got the chance to tie it around her wrist


This time it was going to be different. There was not going to be a single chance missed. I wouldn't allow it. I was with Jack, in a arts and crafts room thing, with a lot of other people trying their damn best to do better, to get better. It was so emotional just watching the people in the room, they seemed so unmotivated and lost. I felt for them all.

A therapist had came in to each of the patients room and and gathered all the the patients from the psych wing. The therapist had them do an exercise in managing their feelings in less destructive ways. The objective was to create art, with colors correlating to how they were feeling. Each color of course, represented a different emotion.

Jack decided to draw, although there was a variety of things you could choose to do. I watched as he drew a pair of closed eyes, ones that were tightly shut closed. He was such a damn good artist, I wish I had known how talented he was. I wanted to say something about how amazing his drawing was but I couldn't. Those of us here to support loved ones were told to remain quiet in order to let the patients work through their thoughts themselves, and in a quiet environment.

My thoughts were interrupted by one of the therapists on duty at the time, " Mr. Kjellberg, you have a visitor", he said, pulling me aside and leading me back to my room. As I was wheeled in I could see a tall lanky man, with curly brown hair and glasses. He was holding a balloon and a card in his hand of which the front read " wishing for a fast recovery ".

" Felix! It's so good to see you, I've been worried sick since last night. How're you feeling? How's Jack doing?" PJ said lightly wrapping me in for a hug, (being very considerate of my broken ribs might I add) and handing the card tied to a balloon over to me. " Thank you for the card and balloon, and thanks for visiting PJ" I said with a warm smile on my face. " I'm doing alright, and Jack's focusing on himself, I'm very proud of him." Which I was extremely honest about.

PJ and I talked for a good 30 minutes more until he had to go. I waved him bye as he walked out the door. He told me something that stuck with me. "Remember, our past can help us create a better future, but it's up to you to learn from them.". He's such a wise guy, and he truly gives the best advice. If it weren't for him I'd probably be burning houses down for fun or something.

So I managed to wheel myself back into the room where the patients were still working on some artwork. Jack's eyes had words written in the pupils and different colored tears streaming down them. It was beautiful. I walked over to the sewing section and picked up a few colored strands of string; white, blue, green, yellow and red. That's when I began making my bracelet, this time I called it a security bracelet, so he'll know I'm always with him even when I'm psychically not standing next to him.

White for peace, blue for loyalty, green for honesty, yellow for happiness and red for love. I twisted then all together and created a braid. I wrote a note about what the bracelet meant and at the end of it, I asked him, to be my boyfriend. I left it at the table he was seated at, and it wasn't until the task was finished that he flipped it over and found the bracelet.

I watched as he looked at the bracelet in confusion, but his face seemed to read of happiness and joy was he was done reading it. He walked over to me and he kissed me, " yes, I will be your boyfriend." He said looking so happy. " can you put the bracelet on for me?" I nodded at tied it around his wrist. " thank you, Felix," he said. " No Sean, thank you."

He was finally mine.

Hi lovelies! Thank you so much for reading this book, and I can't wait to see you in the next part✨

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